Biblical Manliness 006

Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger show

Summary:     Episode #006 Recorded Monday, February 4, 2013 "Rites of Passage in the Valley of Elah" HOST: Chris Clevenger       Watch the video of this episode: Show Notes: Throughout the world there are several amazingly interesting rites of passage: Vanuatu Land Diving Aboriginal Subincision Hamar Cow Jumping (Ethiopia) Ancient Spartan Helot Killing Satere-Mawe Bullet Ant Glove (The Amazon) Maasai Warrior Passage Mandan Hook Hanging (Native American) Sociologist have identified three phases that constitute a proper right of passage: Separation Transition Reincorporation Even the Bible recognizes that the transition from boyhood to manhood is a process and not a simple point of action (1 Corinthians 13:11). From a Biblical perspective, David gives us the perfect example of a transition from boyhood to manhood in the valley of Elah. (1 Samuel 17) Chris follows this outline in this episode of Biblical Manliness: Time of Purpose (1 Samuel 17:29) Time of Passion (1 Samuel 17:32-37, 45-47) Time of Preparation (1 Samuel 17:40) Time of Prevailing (1 Samuel 17:48-58) Your Feedback Submit your feedback or suggest future topics via email ( or voicemail: 903-26-LIGHT (903-265-4448) If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks. Previous Episodes Click here to see all of the episodes of Biblical Manliness with Chris Clevenger. Subscription Links