After Becoming Conscious of a Higher Purpose, What’s Next? With Deborah Beauvais (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: On this episode of the Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show, Kala speaks with Deborah Beauvais about Higher Purpose. Becoming conscious is the first step in our evolution to inner love, inner peace, joy and freedom. As we journey along our way, shed our belief systems and leave the past behind us, we find that we can release the limitations we have placed on ourselves and start to allow all that is to Be. By allowing the universe to create its magic, synchronicities become a daily event…we can then go into action from a place of knowing. We don’t limit ourselves with control, we become free to allow all our inherent good that is patiently waiting for us to ‘arrive’. We just need to allow, allow allow. Add ‘available to receive’ and you have a life that flows with excited expectancy.