Sarah Evans: Getting More Done In Less Time

be intrepid. show

Summary: [if you are reading this via email, click here to listen to Sarah Evans' broadcast] A joy to welcome Sarah Evans back to Intrepid Radio! She will be a featured speaker at the upcoming SoloPR Summit, and her presentation will center around Getting More Done In Less Time. Sarah is the chief evangelist for Tracky. The Solo PR Summit is a conference for independent professionals in PR and social media being held February 20-21 in Atlanta, Georgia. There are still some limited tickets and sponsorship opportunities available - visit for details. Sarah shares a few highlights that we can expect from her upcoming presentation: 1. Some ideas include how to stop getting buried by email and your inbox. 2. How to automate some processes to save time, but also how to remain human and not come across as some automated robot. As in, how to use automation to buy back time to be more personal in your interactions. 3. How to more efficiently utilize and integrate HARO into your daily process. 4. In addition to Tracky, what are some other tools people should explore using to get more done in less time? 5. What are some of the mistakes people make when they do utilize a project management solution? 6. Sarah will discuss content strategy, from the perspective of marketing for the solo PR person, AND for the content distribution on behalf of their clients. Not only will she discuss how to leverage the content itself, but also how to generate it. 7. Finally, Sarah talked about her book called Reframe: Little Inspirations For A Larger Purpose. ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like Sarah Evans, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 81. This episode was brought to you by The SoloPR Summit!