Podcast 420 - New Generation of Social Leadership

The Engaging Brand show

Summary: The listener of the week and winning an Engaging Brand (http://www.blubrry.com/engaging/1661676/engaging-brand-podcast-419-defending-your-brand/) goodie bag is Remy Bigot (http://twitter.com/remybigot) from France. Remember the goodie bad is picked from all the people who share, like, tweet about the Engaging Brand podcast (http://www.blubrry.com/engaging/1661676/engaging-brand-podcast-419-defending-your-brand/).(http://theengagingbrand.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c68e153ef017ee82f1188970d-300wi) Today Anna Farmery (http://www.theengagingbrand.com) * Do social entrepreneur's need charisma? * The need to balance passion and arrogance in a company start up. * How do you define the connected world? * Facebook fan pages - how do you reconcile social networking with Facebook fan pages? * How to learn from other social entrepreneurs who may be your competitors. * Personal goal setting and how leaders can set goals and objectives to build a culture. * How to keep the culture of a start up busines alive as your grow. (http://www.assoc-amazon.co.uk/e/ir?t=mabelandharry-21&l=as2&o=2&a=1422183181) Remember Anna loves to connect with listeners so email anna@theengagingbrand.com (mailto:anna@theengagingbrand.com), join her on twitter (http://twitter.com/engagingbrand) or  on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/107639911923457772951).