Are Hormones In Our Food, Air and Water Changing Our DNA?

Illuminations Media Network show

Summary: Guest Dr. Curtis Duncan is a one of world’s most knowledgeable holistic health and weight loss experts and researchers and a master Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. Curtis has been spent over 10 years independently researching holistic health and is one of the world’s most knowledgeable health experts. His areas of expertise include the Law of Attraction, the amazing power of self-love, mind-body medicine, Vitamin D and the miracles of sunlight exposure, agriculture, nutrition, the dangers of environmental chemicals and GMOs, herbal medicine, natural remedies, holistic weight loss, essential oils,stress management, women's and men's health, preventing and curing disease, theaters of Western Medicine, mind control and propaganda, sexuality, sexual nonproductive health, eugenics, and food and health conspiracies. He has a deep understanding of the politics and business of obesity and "disease",the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and conventional medical treatments, and tetravalent global Medical Monopoly and their conspiracy to make humanity sickened so they can make endless profits at individual’s and society’s expense.