Tracking Your Numbers

MikesPodcast show

Summary: Hey, this is Mike from and today we're going to talk about tracking and specifically knowing your numbers. Now there's a few tools that you can use that are free for tracking your visitors to your site, your sign ups, your sales, all that stuff. One of them which is really popular is google analytics. Now this is free, but in all honesty is a little bit complicated if you're not used to using it. Now one of things that you can do with google analytics is you can go on there and you can see where people are coming from to your site, you can see how long they stay, you can see where they came from, like if they came from your blog verses YouTube or whatever.You can see what countries they're coming from, you can tell so many different things about it and it's free use. Now if you're on a blog, a wordpress blog which I strongly suggest, then all you have to do is once you set up your google analytics account and you let them know hey here's my website here's what timezone I'm in, save, they'll give you a piece of tracking code and all you have to do is go into your blog, into the editor, where you see the header area and just paste that code and you're good. You paste it in one spot it'll let you know. Now there's another services that you can use for free which is much, much simpler but it's not gonna have all the details, if you're a little bit intimidated by google analytics and this is at Now this is one of my sites. All it's going to tell you is where people came from and how many people came, but it's much easier to use now the downside to Stat Numbers is you have to add a new code or a new account to each page you want track. If you just wanna know how many people come to your home page and that's it, this may be a great option for you. Now another thing you wanna track on a regular basis is your conversions. If you go to you'll find a free tool there where you can put in the number of visitors and the number of sales or sign ups and click a button and it'll give you the exact percentage. Now the reason why this is so important is because if you don't track your conversions you're going to be throwing away money on ads and you're gonna be throwing away money just by making simple changes. So here's what I  mean by that. If you have for instance a sales page that's converting at two percent you might simply be able to change the headline on that and go from two percent to five percent. So now the ad that your paying for that just barely makes a profit could be wildly profitable. If you change the price on it, you might find that raising the price might dip down your sales a little bit, but because of the increase in price you're actually making more profit and having higher quality customers. The opposite might be true as well. If you lower the price you may get so many more sales that because it's a digital product or because it's something that you're outsourcing, there's no extra headache to you and you're making a boatload more money. So my challenge to you is to setup google analytics or Stat Numbers on your site today and then make it a point to check every single day by going to and tracking and seeing what your conversion rate is whether it's for opt ins or for sales and make split test changes at least once a week to see how you can improve your experience for your customers as well as your profit for your bottom line. This is Mike from We'll talk to you soon.