Nonprofit Spark – Planned gifts and endowment primer 09/19/11

Nonprofit Spark - Renee McGivern show

Summary: This week, I focus on planned giving and endowments. While the area of planned giving can get complicated fairly quickly, we hone in on the types of planned gifts that just about every nonprofit should encourage, especially once you have a stable annual giving program. My first guest is Phil Schumacher of Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation ( who has more than 25 years of fundraising experience. In addition to discussing planned gifts, we look at endowments, too, to help you think through whether encouraging such tightly restricted gifts is a good idea. Finally, I discovered Benchmark Email ( provides free e-newsletter services to PTAs and nonprofits that serve children and teens. I speak with Denise Keller, COO, about the We Care About Kids program and also, why e-newsletters are a great way to build relationships with your donors.