Nonprofit Spark – Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up – 03/05/12

Nonprofit Spark - Renee McGivern show

Summary: The non-profit sector excels at meeting community needs and is becoming masterful with non-profit best management practices. But are these enough? To solve the problems of our day, my guest this week asserts that the job of nonprofits is not to provide services but to develop leaders. he even redefines the concept of leadership: that it's an action for the many, not a position held by a few. Paul Schmitz is the CEO of Public Allies (, which works in 21 communities in the U.S. with a mission to advance new leadership to strengthen communities, non-profits and civic participation. The organization identifies diverse young Americans who have a passion to make a difference and helps them turn that passion into careers working for community and social change. Paul also is the author of a new book, Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up ( He often writes and speaks on topics about national service, civic engagement, community building, diversity, nonprofit workforce development, and social entrepreneurship. In December 2010, he was named to the White House Council for Community Solutions. He also serves as Chair of the Nonprofit Workforce Coalition and is a blogger for The Washington Post. He's a thought-provoking change agent and he'll inspire you to view your nonprofit efforts through the new lens of finding and developing leaders.