Haste! Winter Fantasy, Sirai, and D&D Classics with Dustin Snyder of Baldman Games

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 69 | Announcements Tonight we're joined by Dustin Snyder of Baldman Games, who recently aided putting on a great little con called Winter Fantasy, formerly DDXP. Tune in as we talk about the con and a whole lot more! Topics  Winter Fantasy Wrap Up & Look At Next Year With new additions like a board game library and Pathfinder, Winter Fantasy brought about some great new features to its lineup this year. We talk with Dustin about what its like to run a con, what went on this year, and what to expect for next year. We should note that Winter Fantasy also brought about an event worthy of marking your calendars, the first ever female 5 star Pathfinder GM! Jason Morningstar's Sirai Playtest First play tested at Metatopia, this was the second time Sirai had been playtested out in the wild this year at Winter Fantasy. The game is a combo LARP / Board game but not really, it's very hard to describe. Very free flowing and open like most of the stuff Jason Morningstar does, listen to Dustin and I's first impressions and tell us what you've heard about the game or your thoughts on it! D&D Classics WotC finally dropped the digital back catalog bomb on us and shocked a lot of people by using Drive Thru RPG. Dustin and I discuss some of the great stuff you can find on there, including freebies - but most of all we want to hear your opinion on this new endeavor of WotC's! Tip Corner GM’s: Collaborate! This one is a no brainer and we may have said it before but be sure to not make all of your games a one person show. Let your players work for you, let them help build and shape your world. Everyone will be more invested and you get to work less! Twitter Poll @Mandarific & @JffDougan ask: "What are some good RPGs for kids / how can we make RPGS more accessible for kids? Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |