Leverage Your Content

MikesPodcast show

Summary: Hey, this is Mike Cowles from Internet Marketing Podcast and today we're gonna be talking about leveraging your content. Now when it comes to leveraging your content and getting the most bang for your buck whether it's for traffic or whether it's for your customers or it's for your profit. The bottom line is this you have to start with video. If you take video, you can simply strip the audio from it once you're done. When I say you, I really mean your virtual assistant or somebody that you've hired. You always wanna leverage your skills as an entrepreneur. Once that video is created, you can strip the audio from it. You can transcribe the audio and then you can turn that into different content whether its PDFs, reports, your blogpost or you're guest blog posts. There's a million different things you can do with it. If you're the type of person that does not like the way you look on camera, what you can do is you can start with the audio and then have your virtual assistant or whoever you have working for you create a slideshow like a powerpoint presentation based on the transcription of that audio. It's a little bit more work and honestly its not quite as personable as somebody seen your face like this so they can catch all those expressions and those different innuendos that come just for having a conversation like this. Once you created your video and you've had the audio stripped from it and you've had it transcribed, here's a few other things you can do in order to get more bang for your buck. First of all, take that video, upload it to Youtube. Youtube is, I think, the third biggest search engine or second biggest search engine on the planet  right now and Google loves it. There's a ton of traffic you're gonna get just for having your video uploaded to your Youtube channel. The second thing is take that video and email it to your list of subscribers. Say “Hey, I created a new video about topic A,B or C.” That's all. You don't have to pressure anything, you don't have to sell anything, just let them know what's its about. So that they can go and click on that and view it. The next thing is take that video and put it on Facebook. Make a short comment about what it is. Make sure you don't use the exact same words on your blogpost and Facebook and everywhere else but re-write it to basically say this is what the videos about. Once you put it on Facebook, make sure that you like it. Then you wanna tweet about your content as well. Make sure you put it on your blog as a new blogpost and then tell everybody whether its in Facebook, whether its in Youtube to check out your blog for more great content. Also constantly ask people to leave feedback or  leave a review. If you're interested in getting great results where you have thousand of people checking out your content but you don't necessarily want to go through all through these steps, we can do it for you at www.epicmarketer.com. But this is what I teach my coaching students, this is what I do from my own business and it's what I suggest for you as well. So if this contents been helpful for you, then do what I'm asking you to do which is please leave a review, give us 5 stars on iTunes or simply make a comment below and Facebook. Thanks so much and we'll talk to you soon.