007 Why I Will Never Use Earbuds and Simplifying Things with Dan Hayes

Start Talking and Recording Today - A Podcast about Podcasting show

Summary: During last week's episode you may or may not have noticed some issues with the audio quality. During my interview with Daniel J. Lewis my audio levels were extremely low. I was able to come to the conclusion that it was due to me wearing earbuds for the first time ever. How can you tell? In the opening segment of the show and in the closing I wore my over-the-ear headphones which eliminates a lot of outside sound. Those levels were perfect and I had no issues with them. While I was wearing my earbuds during my interview with Daniel, I was hearing EVERYTHING, well everything BUT my audio coming from my mixer. Because I couldn't hear myself coming from the mixer very well, I didn't notice that my levels were low until I popped in the audio into Adobe Audition. Lesson learned. I also made another small gaffe last week. I kept referencing in the show notes that the episodes would be posted at startpodcastingnow.com/06. Well, I number my episodes with 3 digits. Oops. I thought that I was going to have to go back in and re-record myself saying the correct URL. NOT SO FAST my friends. I use a handy little plugin called "Pretty Link" that lets me make URL's of my own that will be appended to my domain name. In this instance, I took the shortlink URL from my blogpost, pasted it into Pretty Link Lite (the free version) and gave it the URL startpodcastingnow.com/06 so that whenever someone types in that URL, it would automatically forward them to my correct URL startpodcastingnow.com/006. Simple. Easy. I was able to save about 10-15 minutes of audio recording, editing and publishing just by using this plugin. The Hot Seat Dan Hayes from the Simple Life Together podcast stops by START this week to tell us how he got started in podcasting. He also fills us in on some of his biggest guilty pleasures. Dan and his wife Vanessa have started an awesome little challenge called "Edit and Forget It". It's a neat little exercise that can help you simplify your lives. The goal? Eliminate 2013 things, items, files, etc. from our lives here in 2013. Think you can do it? Check it out today. Neat little fact about Dan, he built his very own recording studio and its in his SHED in his backyard. This week he talked to us from his "world shedquarters" in San Antonio, TX. Rapid Fire This is where I put the podcaster on the hot seat and ask him OR HER the hard hitting questions all of you want to hear! If you would like to be on a segment of Rapid Fire to promote your podcast or blog, email me at feedback@spnt.tv and we'll get you on the program! Review the Show in iTunes Please rate and review the show in iTunes! If you're listening to us on an iOS device or you have an iTunes account, please leave a review today at startpodcastingnow.com/itunes. We'd love to hear your feedback good or bad! This week I CHALLENGE YOU to go and leave 5 reviews on the podcasts you listen to. Or try 5 new ones and leave reviews. Podcast Consulting If you’re looking for some one on one podcast consulting, I am available for hire. You know sometimes you can listen to all the podcasts and read all the books and all the tips on the web, sometimes its just nice to sit down and talk it out. Don’t hesitate to email me I am here to help. If this is something you’re interested in shoot me an email or give me a call at 404-946-3397. Podcast Reviews I’m also available for podcasting reviews if you have a show that you currently produce and you’d like some honest feedback with constructive criticism, you know the drill, email me or call. Podcast Cover Art AND Google Hangout On Air Lower Third Designs Maybe you need some cover art for your podcasts? Logon to podcastcovers.com and for just $125, I can get you setup with some custom cover art designs. If you’d like to see some examples of our cover art, just log on to SPNT.tv. I also now can custom design lower third graphics for your Google Hangouts! 1and1 Affiliate Signup