Tales From Tony Batman Show- A Entertainment News 6th Month Anniversary Of Our Georgia Satellite Office

Tony Batman.com » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Rome, GA- Tony Batman’s A Entertainment News -  In this episode of the nationally syndicated Tales of Tony Batman Show, we might have had the strangest show we have done in 3 years with this channel. You may or may not know that about six months ago we opened out satellite office in North Georgia, about an hour north of Atlanta, in a city called Rome… We thought hey we are an Italian company so this should be a good place for us. Little did we know that Rome, Georgia is way different that Rome, Italy. But after only 6 months we have been schooled on the subtle differences of the two cities. White Sheets, Wild Black Bears, Tornadoes every week and the End of the World as we know it? The Georgia Guide-stones say so. Yes there are all in this show, you will just have to listen to hear exactly what we mean. And just for good measure we throw in a dog named Blue. We also tell you about our non clinical study we are conducting using prescriptions drugs we find around the house, some good, some bad, some new, some old…. Please do not try this at home, we do not really value our health as much as we should. We tell you about our upcoming events, such as the Exxxotica Expo in Chicago Illinois and the world famous Nudes A Poppin Pageant & Festival in Roselawn, Indiana. Listen to the show here, on iTunes or on any of your favorite podcast outlets. The show is produced in the Los Angeles area by the good people at Striptaculous Radio. The Pod-casts have now been downloaded 2.5 million times by fans of the show. Thank you for listening ! _____________________________________________________________ Posted on www.AentertainmentNews.com We give props to our sponsors the Screaming O, 2001 Live,  AEBN Network, Nature Lovin Lubes,  Fountain Of Youth Center,The Strip Mall, Skindustry Contests, and Xpeeps Live, we are thankful to have such great companies on tour with us.