The History of Samhain-Podcast

The Ænigma Project show

Summary: 10/29 Our Topic: The History of Samhain Whether you pronounce it Sow-ween, or the Americanized Sam-hain, it’s still the biggest holiday on the Pagan Calendar. It’s the start of the New Year and honors the year that has passed. It is the time when the veil of forgetfulness is lifted between the physical world and the spiritual world. It’s a time of celebration! But how did it get started and how did it evolve into Halloween? Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor, play “Truth or Tale” and talk about the news of the day. You can listen online and join in the chat room to share your perspective or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. If you don’t want to join the chat, you can still listen live on your pc or Smartphone on TuneIn radio! I LOVE this app! There are many other ways you can listen on the go, at home, at work or in your car. Check out Tenacity’s technical page for more options. We always have a lot of fun! And we’d love to have you with us.