XII. The Hanged Man (Symbolism of the Tarot)

Tarot of the iPod show

Summary: Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky CARD XII. THE HANGED MAN. And then I saw a man in terrible suffering, hung by one leg, head downward, to a high tree. And I heard the voice:mdash; "Look! This is a man who saw Truth. Suffering awaits the man on earth, who finds the way to eternity and to the understanding of the Endless. "He is still a man, but he already knows much of what is inaccessible even to Gods. And the incommensurableness of the small and the great in his soul constitutes his pain and his golgotha. In his own soul appears the gallows on which he hangs in suffering, feeling that he is indeed inverted. "He chose this way himself. "For this he went over a long road from trial to trial, from initiation to initiation, through failures and falls. "And now he has found Truth and knows himself. "He knows that it is he who stands before an altar with magic symbols, and reaches from earth to heaven; that he also walks on a dusty road under a scorching sun to a precipice where a crocodile awaits him; that he dwells with his mate in paradise under the shadow of a blessing genius; that he is chained to a black cube under the shadow of deceit; that he stands as a victor for a moment in an illusionary chariot drawn by sphinxes; and that with a lantern in bright sunshine, he seeks for Truth in a desert. "Now he has found Her." Read by Brad Ingle Bio is coming soon. Brad is the host of Texas Tarot Podcast. Download or Listen to the Card