King of Wands (Pictorial Key to the Tarot)

Tarot of the iPod show

Summary: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot Wands King The physical and emotional nature to which this card is attributed is dark, ardent, lithe, animated, impassioned, noble. The King uplifts a flowering wand, and wears, like his three correspondences in the remaining suits, what is called a cap of maintenance beneath his crown. He connects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazoned on the back of his throne. #160; Divinatory Meanings: Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious. The card always signifies honesty, and may mean news concerning an unexpected heritage to fall in before very long. #160; Reversed: Good, but severe; austere, yet tolerant. Read by Dan Pelletier Dan Pelletier lives north of Seattle Washington with his wife of 22 years, Jan, his two cats, Spook and Pookha, and 32 rosebushes. He has been reading Tarot for himself and others for over thirty years. Dan is also co-owner of The Tarot Garden, a highly respected resource for tarot decks and related information on the Internet. He has written articles appearing on the Tarot for Life website newsletter, Seekerrsquo;s Journey, and Tarot Passages; and has published interviews with deck creators on the website library. Ator Tarot by Robin Ator The Ator Tarot is a light-hearted and simplified re-creation of Coleman-Smith's designs for the Rider-Waite. It is a limited-edition deck printed in the USA and can be purchased at Glow in the Dark Pictures from the Artist. Download or Play the Card