HPR1169: Autotools

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Please note: the time of the hpr saturday sessions has changed to 12:00 midday EST or 6 in the evening Central European Time. Also recording has ended for this year, but you are free to join in again at 12th of January. This is a recording of the HPR Saturday Sessions - at the Linux Basement mumble server if you have knowledge you wish to share with your fellow listeners but don't know how to say it. In this episode Nido Media takes us through how to create a './configure' script using one of his own packages as an example. You can find the 'derpy' package at http://motherrabbit.foxserver.be/nido/derpy-0.2.tar.gz (be aware this version has been packaged purely as example of autotools). The GNU manuals for autoconf and automake: http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/ http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/