Gary Vaynerchuk: Pivots, Gratitude, And The Execution of Big Ideas

be intrepid. show

Summary: A real pleasure to welcome Gary Vaynerchuk to Intrepid Radio! Gary is a best-selling author, speaker, and co-founder and CEO of Vaynermedia. Today's show notes: 1. The importance of building a business and life foundation around gratitude. 2. The reasons to make a major life pivot, even though what you've been doing is working. 3. "To get permission to be a commentator and be a recognized voice, you must actually do something. You can't just talk..." 4. How to overcome the fear that holds too many people back from making meaningful pivots in their life. 5. "The people that are most fearful, are the ones who are the most practical..." 6. "Don't fall in love with just one or two ideas...." 7. The importance of reverse engineering. 8. You have to come up with lots of ideas, knowing that ultimately you will execute on just a few of them...and know going in that it is hard work to execute on that idea. 9. "Being good at running business and executing ideas is a talent, no different than hitting a 100 mph fastball. And you've got to put in the time..." 10. The business and life value of family, and what that can mean to you. 11. Finally, a teaser on his next book! Go here to connect with Gary Vaynerchuk. [note: this was recorded on our cell phones using Google Voice, so I apologize for the quality of the audio...] You can find Gary's books here: And enjoy this recent keynote with Gary... ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like Gary Vaynerchuk, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 80.