Seth Godin and Hugh MacLeod – The Real Risk Is NOT Seeking Imbalance And Vulnerability

be intrepid. show

Summary: A thrill to welcome Seth Godin and Hugh MacLeod to the show...who joined me to talk about their book, V is for Vulnerable: Life Outside The Comfort Zone. A most intriguing conversation with two authors and artists who have long inspired many of us. As you can see from my notes for the conversation, there was a lot to talk about with these two. So with me in my Atlanta studio, Seth in New York, and Hugh in West Texas, we were off and running to riff about the ideas in their recent collaborative work... On the show, we talked about the following topics: 1. "If Dr. Seuss wrote a book that would make a middle manager cry, that is what we set out to do." 2. It is about being hopeful and brave again, like we were as children. 3. Making art is about being vulnerable to the world. 4. "If it is certain to work, it's not innovation. And if it is not innovation, than it is not art." 5. Too many organizations are afraid to say to the world "This might not work..." And that fear holds most back from creating art. 6. "Failure is something I look forward to, because it shows me I've gotten to an edge." 7. "Work is love." Or at least it should be. 8. Imbalance makes good things happen, and makes real, honest connection possible. And it's that feeling of almost falling from imbalance, that you really begin to start feeling alive. 9. Hard work vs. Doing something that is hard, risky, meaningful. 10. How people apply "one-buttock playing" to their daily lives. 11. Hugh and Seth discuss the creative process in how they created this book. 12. "Surround yourself with people who are on a journey...and help them make that journey with more gusto. And to make more of a ruckus." 13. Mattering, is more important than focusing on quality...And mattering, is doing something that cannot be specified... Find more about Seth Godin here, and Hugh MacLeod here. This episode is brought to you by: Henderson Shapiro Peck is a nontraditional, award-winning marketing firm providing client service and support that larger agencies don't. We offer everything marketing-related - from business strategy to branding and all points in between. We develop brand experiences for small, medium and large businesses. We are a collaborative group of talented marketing experts, strategists, designers and writers working hard for clients, but also giving back to the community with our time and services. What makes us different is that we are smaller and more responsive but, at the same time, just as creative and strategic as larger agencies. ### You can find the book here: If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like Seth Godin and Hugh MacLeod, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 79.