Ep 10 Basic highlights and shadows

Posted Shows – The Screaming Heretic! show

Summary: <a href="http://screamingheretic.com/wp-content/uploads/Ep10.mp3" target="_blank">Ep 10 Basic highlights and shadows </a> Segment One Open &amp; Intro Major hobby updates Product review Kiss My List Segment Two n00b 411 Shadow &amp; Highlight Contest Winner Announcement News &amp; new releases Segment Three Warmachine! Girls on Gaming Close &amp; Thank yous This episode is dedicated to James (xxxJammerxxx) who recently passed away.  Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and friends.  We reduced the show length to about 1.5 hours and attempted to get a little more focused on this one.  As always if you have show ideas, contests that you like to see us run, or just general feedback you can email us info@screamingheretic.com, find us on Facebook, or Twitter (@screamheretic) or our forums.  I hope you enjoy!