毎日1分ビジネス英語 - Basic show

毎日1分ビジネス英語 - Basic

Summary: 英語は情報収集しながら学ぶ!一流のビジネス誌 The Economist や The Financial Times を教材にしているから、ビジネス英語と国際情報が一度に獲得できます。1日1本、月から金曜日まで5日間毎日更新です。

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 配信終了のお知らせ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

配信終了のお知らせ https://www.wisdomsq.com

 Announcement End of program | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Announcement End of program https://www.wisdomsq.com

 ユーチューブが短い動画共有アプリをリリース | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

YouTube launches short video-sharing app Popular short video-sharing app TikTok is in the midst of international criticism. The app has already been banned in some countries. In this situation, YouTube has announced its own version of a similar short video app to woo former users of TikTok. It is called YouTube Shorts.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 金星に生命は存在するか | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is there life on Venus? Finding life on other planets has been a long-time quest for scientists. While past research may point to the possibility of life on Mars, new studies suggest that some form of life is possible on Venus as well.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 一文無しになることに満足する億万長者 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The billionaire who is happy to be broke In the 1960s, Chuck Feeney cofounded Duty Free Shoppers Group, which pioneered the concept of duty-free shopping. He made a fortune out of that business. Over the years, he has donated most of his wealth. Today, at the age of 89, he is in a position to fulfill a promise he made years ago to "die broke."... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 夜にスマートフォンから遠ざける目覚まし時計、ロフティ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Loftie, an alarm clock to keep you away from your smartphone at night Many people take their smartphones to bed to use them as alarm clocks. However, they end up constantly waking up in the middle of the night to check messages and emails, resulting in disturbed sleep. To address that problem, a company has developed a feature-rich alarm clock that not only keeps you away from the smartphone at night but also helps you sleep better.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 砂を盗むと最大3,550ドルを支払うことに | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stealing sand can cost up to $3,550 Some places have queer rules for tourists. One such place is Sardinia, an Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea. Recently, an unnamed French tourist to the island was forced to pay a hefty fine for stealing sand from the beach.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 米国市場でCDよりもよく売れるレコード盤 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Vinyl records sell more than CDs in the US market Vinyl records, the shiny black music discs of the old days, have reclaimed its top spot today for the first time since the 1980s.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 大西洋横断して車両7000台を運搬できる帆船 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sailing ship that can carry 7000 vehicles across the Atlantic! Sustainability is the buzzword these days to help reduce greenhouse emissions in many fields of human activity. The latest such move is a modern-day sailing ship that can transport 7,000 vehicles in a trans-Atlantic crossing.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 映画とビデオゲームの境界線がぼやける | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Line blurs between cinema and video game Movies attract audiences because of their beautiful scenery and photography, and of course their storyline. Sony has brought that same experience to its new video game The Last of Us Part II, dubbed by fans as TLOU2.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 私たちのライフスタイルを変えることができる海藻 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Seaweed can change our lifestyle According to a BBC report, seaweed could have a positive impact on our lives and potentially be a future source of food and fuel.... http://www.wisdomsq.com

 冷蔵庫に食材がほぼ何もない? Plant Jammerがお手伝い | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Few ingredients in the fridge? Plant Jammer can help! Sometimes, we find to our surprise that there isn’t enough in the fridge to cook a meal. If you are ever caught in that situation, AI can come to the rescue in the form of Plant Jammer, your very own algorithm-driven cooking assistant.... http://www.wisdomsq.com


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