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 Is Survival About 9-11 Hindsight or 9-11 Foresight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: Nancy du Tertre On days like 9/11, we remember a time when a whole country was caught off guard by a surprise attack on the World Trade Center in New York.   Remembering this awful day makes us wonder if our vulnerability to future events is unavoidable.  And what about those who say that no matter what we do, that none of us will can ever see disaster coming through psychic intuition? Not so says Nancy du Tertre, author of Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask But Were Afraid to Know.  She maintains that our psychic ability is not a genetic "gift" and everyone can be trained to be psychic – especially women.   Unlike men, women are hard wired at birth to read someone's thoughts, predict the future and to speak with dead relatives. Therefore, in terms of future disasters, she's puts a whole new spin on a topic that has long been male-dominated. If Nancy is right, there is a profound new role for women in the troubled times to come. One that is every bit as valuable as the ability to stockpile beans and bullets in a bunker.  So if you are a women in awareness and looking for a survival edge, this show is about you and for you. 

 Are You on a Mission from God? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: Robert Perala If we are not on a destiny path of our own making, we at least yearn for one.  Given so, where does this yearning come from?  A sense of mission—fullfilled or otherwise. So imagine if you will. Before your birth, you set a goal for this life and now voila, you're here. But why? And how? And why now?  Taking those questions head on is Robert Perala.   He is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author of: The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium and The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond.

 Using Remote Viewing to Mitigate or Avoid a Global Cataclysm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUESTS: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Courtney Brown, Ph.D.   Remote Viewing (RV) is a Cold War, paranormal surveillance method.  Now declassified, RV has gone mainstream and one of the top experts in the field is Courtney Brown, Ph.D. of The Farsight Institute and what they see for 2013 is disturbing.    In their exhaustive Post-2012 Earth Changes RV study, approximately half of their professional remote viewing group sees a catastrophic timeline that spells the end of life as we know it.  The rest see a brighter, more normal future.    Assuming we are on a catastrophic timeline, what could be the actual enabling mechanism for a switch?  Full disclosure by our governments about extraterrestrial activity on our planet.   Or, could the Intention Vortex concept presented by Marshall Masters in his book Crossing the Cusp?     Either way, the big question is, can we put aside the distractions and focus on what really matters.  That is, making this present timeline go away, or at least, mitigating it in some way. 

 First Contact – Did We Already Buy a Lemon? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

GUESTS: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower   Assume for a moment our government has already made first contact, and with multiple species. Further assume they've refused peaceful offers in favor of a Faustian bargain, seeded with trinkets of death. Then the deal went awry. Nothing ever goes according to plan.   If you are wondering where this leaves us, so are we? Especially given that the goal of this series of programs is to explore the possibility of using time management to mitigate the catastrophes lying ahead of us on this present time line.   To help us sort it out, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower will join with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med and Marshall Masters. Laura is a Cosmic Mythologist and the great-granddaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower.   Together we'll look at the principal opposing forces and how they are drawing us in two different directions. One, could be a more benign time line. As to the other... Well, just clear the guest bedroom, 'cause hell is coming to stay. (But it doesn’t have to be that way.)

 Are Indigo Children Natural Time Shifters? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUESTS: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, Andrew D. Basiago In our last interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, the author of Exopolitics, we began exploring the possibility of changing ou path along this current, catastrophic time line, to one more benign. And this raises a serious question. Who best to do it? To help us delve into this notion, we'll be joined by Cambridge-educated environmentalist and attorney Andrew D. Basiago.  As a child, he was a Project Pegasus participant and used Tesla-based technology for time travel and teleportation. Andrew's experience will be crucial in answering the question, if we can change time lines, who is best to do it? Adults better than children, children better than adults, boys better than girls, girls better than boys or does it matter. And what of character? In other words, if we were to paint a picture postcard of the most capable kind of person in the world to steer us off this present catastrophic time line, who would we see? An Indigo child? That's the real question for this investigative panel.

 2012-2013 Convergence: A Catastrophic or a Benign Timeline? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Chat Room Only People are dying by the hundreds and thousands from catastrophic earth changes and the pace of these freakish tragedies is escalating. Consequently, our irrational denial is no longer served by rational sounding explanations, such as natural environmental variability. That's why futurists like Alfred, author of Exopolitics, see the real crux of the variability conversation as a destination. Simply stated, when we reach the end of 2013, will find ourselves in a catastrophic or a benign timeline? Alfred proposes that if we are on a catastrophic timeline, we have the ability as a species to join together, in an effort to steer our destiny into a more benign and enlightened timeline. Assuming we chose to do that.   Either way, life was we know comes to an end - and there will be no inventing ourselves way out of this jam.  And the stakes couldn't be higher.   If we follow the present timeline, a slow grinding tribulation will claim most of humanity with impacts events, destructive global coastal events, solar flares and more.   Conversely, the positive timeline promises a Golden Age, where we abandon our non-sustainable acquisition paradigm. RELATED LINKS Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic or positive future timeline? The Age of Cataclysm (Free PDF eBook) Your Own World USA  

 Chemtrails, Nibiru / Planet X and Depopulation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUESTS: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Free PDF Download: The Age of Cataclysm Droughts have slammed over 60% of the USA. Now crops failures are rampant and moving what is left of the harvests will become more expensive as the Mississippi river is now 55 feet lower. This now means lighter loads for barges so they do not run aground, but come the fall, our grocery budgets certainly will. And this is the just the tip of an already melting iceberg of Earth changes, raining down upon us. This could be the very reason why the Chemtrails program was first implemented, says Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - Director & Faculty Member, ExoUniversity, The author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe, he further maintains that Chemtrails serve multiple goals. If he's right, the only practical question then becomes, what is the meaning of all this? That is the point of this interview to discuss his recent article, Chemtrails: Shielding the Niburu Flyby while Depopulating & Brainwashing? Of keen interest to him now, is that chemtrails have created an atmospheric shield to obscure the approach of Planet X / Nibiru. If so, this portends numerous and massive, human die-off events in our near future! 

 Rise of the Disclosure Apologists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUESTS: Richard Shaw, LA Marzulli and Dr. Roger Leir The disclosure movement mantra is that disclosure is near.  Really?  Let's put that hope in perspective.  For thousands of years, Jews prayed "next year in Jerusalem."  It didn't happen until 1948.  So how long do we tread water,  waiting for the elites to finally come clean? More likey, one day the reality that we are not alone; that we never have been alone; that we never will be alone - will become poignantly obvious.  That is, for anyone on the planet capable of fogging a mirror with their breath. It will happen. Yet, the elites will not be forthcoming.  Rather, we'll see the rise of "disclosure apologists," a term created by host Marshall Masters.  It describes the future elitist talking heads of the mainstream media.  They'll tell us suppression was always the better way because after all, we're just dumb panicky animals. Not so fast bunkie.  When it comes to disclosure, the mantra of Watchers 4 producers Richard Shaw and LA Marzulli is that this is our planet too, and that we have ALWAYS had a right to know. They're going to join Marshall in a discussion of the kinds of techniques to expect from the coming rise of elites, disclosure apologists.

 The Importance of Joy in Your Survival Planning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: AlixSandra Parness While preparing and planning for whatever is to come our way, there are possibilities we need to be mindful of. Such as your carefully placed bunker  becomes an unexpected ground zero. Hello! Now what do you do? Or you realize your supply of provisions is not going to last.  Ergo, the sooner you can plan to use what you have as a buffer, the more time you buy to develop a more sustainable strategy. In a post-historic world, such eventualities will become daunting realities for consumer societies. Consequently, many who were the last to see it coming, are now the first to lose themselves in subjugation, suffering and abuse.  Few if any will endure. Those most likely to make it will have something just as important to surviving a global catastrophe, as bullets and beans - joy and love. Not because a grand intercession gifted it to them, but because they'll know to use the Laws of Attraction and Resonance to create it.  To help us build that necessary survival skill into our survival plans is Dr. AlixSandra Parness, DD, author of Activate Joy: Live Your Life Beyond Limitations.

 DISCLOSURE: Are We Ready to Know Our True History? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

GUEST: Nick Redfern So what happens when something BIG lands on the White House lawn, we simply cannot ignore?  For starters, we'll say OMG and burn through our cell phone minutes like drunken sailors.  All the time many will ask, "after half a century, why are we still the last ones to know about our true history?" This is when we'll see the corporate media roll out one government cover-up disclosure apologist after another.  Experts at elitist spin control, they'll stress the need to protect us from ourselves with ruthless cover-ups.  But will it work given such a historically pivotal moment? Not if researchers like Nick Redfern have anything to say about it.  He's the author of The Pyramids and the Pentagon: The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts, and he has a reputation for unmasking these kinds of cover-ups. Granted 99 out of a 100 will be happy with disclosure apologist spin, but if you're in that one percent with the guts and determination to know the truth,  be sure to tune in.    

 DISCLOSURE: When Will The Lying Bastards Finally Come Clean? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: Bryce Zabel   An interesting thing to note about the term “disclosure” is the etymology of the term itself.  It only became a part of the public lexicon in the 1950's.   Since then, a continual war of humiliation, dismissal and worse has been heaped upon those who step forward to report their UFO sightings. But by whom? Ah heck, let's not be naïve.  We know who “they” are, so the real question is: when will the lying bastards finally come clean?   And given their decades obfuscation and suppression, how are we to know they truly have come clean?   Or, will it be a manipulated event that occurs because something finally lands on White House lawn in a cloud of swamp gas, just as a network news entertainer is reporting another sex scandal on live TV– and the cameraman forgets to zoom in, so we actually do see the landing in the background.   To discuss these disclosure possibilities is Bryce Zabel, co-author of A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact.

 Is Death the Final Chapter for Global Cataclysm Survivors? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Roy Stemman is an English investigative journalist, reseracher and chairman of the Psychic News. The author of The Big Book of Reincarnation: Examining the Evidence that We Have All Lived, he specializes in in the paranormal and was a lead investigator in an hour-long English television documentary, Back From The Dead. This groundbreaking documdeathentary was filmed in and around Beirut, Lebanon, exploring past life memories among the Druze community and he found an interesting connection in between the reincarnation beliefs of the ancient Cathars and modern day Druze. Continents and centuries apart, both have no fear of death. None. The goal of this interview it to explore this complete lack of any fear of death of these two disparet peoples to learn how it may future survivors, a survival advantage unlike any other. In fact, more powerful than any other belief system known today!

 Is Human Evolution Beyond Our Control? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

GUEST: Lisa Barretta According to Lisa Barretta, author of The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos, that as earth passes through the central plane of the Milky Way galaxy in 2012, a new portal into spiritual development will open. A practicing astrologer for the last 30 years, she draws on her experience as an  intuitive counselor to paint a broad picture of our future.  One in which humanity is already undergoing a transformation from lower mundane values to higher spiritual ones. This evidenced by the appearance of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children which she believes evidence the first stages of our evolutionary upgrade as a species. In a world dominated by self-serving, multinational corporations and corrupt governments, could this evolutionary upgrade be the real vehicle for change? If so, what does that mean for us?

 Water, Water Everywhere – So Where's the Ice Going? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

  GUEST: Rob Daven, Radio Host   How many years have we listened to podcast and radio hosts asking questions about Earth changes from a list of talking points?  That was then.  Now, a growing number of hosts have become as savvy as their guests, if not more.  One such host is Rob Daven of The Jungle Apocalypse Podcast.   Currently living in the Northwest Territories of Canada, Rob is on the edge of the Arctic circle.  Over the last 15 years in the North, he has monitored bizarre earth changes, animal migrations and strange phenomena in the vast frozen waste land of Canada.    According to Rob, if present trends persist, the global warming debate will end with a simple observation.  Water, water everywhere – so where's the darn ice?  If that isn't a wake up day for humanity, what follows it, is sure to get the attention of the even the most reticent cynics.  

 The Ring of Fire is Coming to Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Youtuber MrCometWatch (Jessie) has noted that since the X-Class flares of March 2012, equipment issues have developed for several solar observatories.   The result is that present reporting is not reflecting the full extent of solar activity. This is critical as we're also seeing what many would call an overheating of the Earth. The result being a marked increase in severe seismicity and volcanism events.   Even mainstream media is tackling the issue now. For example, the Weather Channel just released a video report titled Is the 'Ring of Fire' coming to life?   According to Jessie, it is and the concerns of a major event involving nations along the ring of fire are likewise rising and with good cause.   So join with Marshall and Jessie as they ask the question: With December 21, 2012 just months away, could we begin to major disasters sooner than expected?


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