The Inconvenient Truth show

The Inconvenient Truth

Summary: A few years ago I happened upon a little podcast by the name of Skeptoid. After I listened to a few episodes, I realized I had been a skeptic for all of my life. What is a skeptic to me? A skeptic, in its most simple form, is just someone who doesn’t accept things at face value. We always want to know more, we question why things are. We use evidence and science to get at the truth. Sometimes the truth isn’t pretty. Sometimes it would be easier for us to simply ignore the truth and go blissfully upon our way. Sometimes the truth is just plain inconvenient. Regardless of whether we like it or not, the truth is still the truth. After reading the works of Sagan, Randi, Novella, Gardner and Dunning; I decided that I could contribute to the skeptical movement myself in my own small way. Not having the longest attention span in the world, I decided upon a 10-12 minute audio format for a podcast that would mostly discuss medically related topics. The rest of the topics would include conspiracy theories, urban legends, consumer frauds and the paranormal. The Inconvenient Truth is my attempt to attack pseudoscience and clear the way for the real truth. I hope you like it.