Christian Dating Service | Singles Advice show

Christian Dating Service | Singles Advice

Summary: Christian podcast messages on dating, relationships, finances and marriage and life brought to you by Oasis- Our mission at Oasis Christian Singles is to be a resource hub that provides loving and practical support for Christian Singles of all stripes We are partnering with hundreds of Christian singles ministries, pastors, counselors and singles like yourself to bring you practical stuff you can use.

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 Finding the One: A Christian Single’s Guide to Meeting the One God Has For You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:18

Finding the “one”, that special soul mate you wish to spend life with can be a tedious experience. This is especially if you’ve been through a couple of bad Christian dating relationships that have left you heart broken, burnt out or rejected. Finding true love is a pursuit that has occupied human hearts for generations. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it may often seem like an overwhelming task. For Christian singles, this search is imbued with even deeper meaning, as they seek a partner who aligns not just with their personal interests, but with their spiritual values as well. Are you one of the many Christian single men and women seeking the one God has planned for you? Here are ways to put yourself on the right path and trust in His plan. Finding the one tips for Christian Singles 1. Start with Prayer Your relationship with God is paramount. Begin with earnest prayer, asking Him to guide you to the person He’s chosen for you. Be patient and wait for His timing, and remember that He knows what’s best for you. 2. Join Christian Communities Participate in your church’s events and join Christian groups where you can meet like-minded individuals. It’s not just about finding a partner; it’s about growing spiritually and connecting with others who share your faith. 3. Embrace Your Singlehood Recognize that being single is a phase of life that provides a unique opportunity for personal growth. Focus on developing yourself, and your relationship with God, and understanding what you seek in a partner. 4. Use Christian Dating Sites Consider joining Christian dating sites that align with your values. These platforms are designed to connect people who share the same faith, making it easier to find someone who fits your criteria. 5. Seek Wise Counsel Talk to friends, family, and spiritual leaders who know you well and seek their wisdom and insights. Sometimes an outside perspective can provide valuable guidance. 6. Maintain Purity and Integrity In your search, remember to uphold the Christian principles of purity and integrity. Build a relationship that honors God, and don’t compromise on your beliefs for the sake of a connection. 7. Accept God’s Will Sometimes the search may be long and filled with disappointments. Trust in God’s wisdom and timing. Remember that He has a perfect plan for you, even if it doesn’t align with your timeline. 8. Build a Strong Foundation of Friendship True love blossoms from genuine friendship. Seek a relationship where you can grow together in faith, love, and understanding. 9. Reflect on What You’re Looking for in a Partner Write down the qualities that are most important to you in a partner. Reflect on these and pray about them. Be clear about what you’re looking for but remain open to God’s guidance. 10. Avoid Unequally Yoked Relationships The Bible warns against being unequally yoked with non-believers. Be mindful of this and seek a partner whose faith aligns with yours...

 Marriage Builders Tips for Single Christians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:15

As single Christians, knowing marriage builders tips while dating will lay the foundation for a healthy marriage relationship when you’re ready to make that commitment. Having worked in Family Court, I’ve seen lots of unhappy and unhealthy marriage relationships that sure could have used marriage builders tips. Not surprisingly, a recent University of Wisconsin study revealed that over 90% of our future happiness is related to the kind of mate we choose to date or marry. Therefore, having a healthy marriage relationship means you have a greater chance of enhancing your happiness. As Christian singles, we know our true joy, which is eternal, remains in the Lord. However, our happiness, based on transient circumstances, can definitely be affected by poor relationship choices. With divorce rates running between 40 to 50% in the USA, Australia, Europe, and Asia, many are nodding their heads in agreement. Christian Marriage Builders is an approach grounded in the teachings of the Bible, emphasizing love, respect, and spiritual growth. This article will explore five vital tips that can help fortify a Christian marriage, making it stronger, healthier, and more resilient. Most of us pray for healthy marriage relationships. The following marriage builder quick tips point toward that goal. Marriage Builders Tips for a Healthy Marriage Relationship Marriage Builders Tip #1: See Dating as a Means to an End It all begins with dating, but it should not end there. For single Christians at least, the primary goal of dating should be a healthy relationship culminating in marriage. Otherwise, if you’re really serious about keeping yourself sexually pure before the Lord, why even enter a dating or courtship relationship? Marriage Builders Tip #2: Know What Kind of Person Makes For A Healthy Relationship Part of finding a person that makes for a healthy relationship is knowing and avoiding the kind that doesn’t. For example, single Christians dating unbelievers, or good Christian girls who date bad guys would fall into this category. Unfortunately, most churches don’t teach singles (teens to seniors) how to attract the right woman or man to date or court. In fact, several reasons we started Christian Dating Service PLUS! wasnot only to provide informative dating articles in this area, but also to show others how they can meet more single Christians online by expanding their search base. Marriage Builders Tip #3: Know What it Takes to Have a Healthy Relationship It sounds too simple, but it’s really true. The more one knows the signs of a healthy Christian dating or marriage relationship, the more likely the chance of creating one. Doesn’t that make sense? Marriage Builders Tip #4: Build a God-Centered Relationship In Christian marriages, the union of two individuals is much more than a physical or emotional partnership; it is a spiritual journey where God is at the center. Building a God-centered relationship means prioritizing prayer, studying scripture together,

 What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:03

What does the Bible say about Divorce and remarriage? Divorce and remarriage is a hot issue in many evangelical churches. What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage? Can a Christian single man and woman remarry? This is a confusing issue because many Christian singles have been through a divorce. Divorce and remarriage are topics that have been debated and analyzed throughout history, but one common source that many people turn to for guidance is the Bible. The teachings of the Bible provide clear insights into both divorce and remarriage. Here, we will explore these topics from a Biblical perspective. Divorce in the Bible: A Complex Issue In the Bible, divorce is a subject that is both complex and nuanced. In the Old Testament, there were provisions for divorce, as outlined in Deuteronomy 24:1-4. However, these laws were not given as encouragement for divorce but rather to protect the rights of the parties involved, particularly women. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks about divorce in several passages, including Matthew 19:3-9. His teachings emphasize the sanctity of marriage and suggest that divorce should only be considered in cases of marital unfaithfulness. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 7:10-15, reiterates the message that divorce should be avoided but also acknowledges that there are situations where it may become unavoidable. Key Bible Verses on Divorce: * Matthew 19:6: “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” * Mark 10:9: “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” * Malachi 2:16: “I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel. Remarriage After Divorce: A Biblical Perspective What are the biblical grounds for divorce anyway? Does God speak against divorce & remarriage in all circumstances? If divorce is justified in certain situations? When is dating after divorce okay? Do the rules change if you are a Christian single parent dating with kids? These are only some of the questions Christians have pertaining to this conflict. The subject of remarriage after divorce is closely related to the teachings on divorce itself. In general, the Bible emphasizes the lifelong commitment of marriage and views divorce as a last resort. However, the Bible does not universally forbid remarriage after divorce. In Matthew 19:9, Jesus says, “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” This implies that remarriage is permissible in the case of marital unfaithfulness. Paul’s writings also suggest that remarriage is allowed, especially when a believer is abandoned by an unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:15). Key Bible Verses on Remarriage: * 1 Corinthians 7:15: “But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.” * Matthew 19:9: “…except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” Cultural and Historical Context Understanding what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage requires careful consideration of the cultural and historical context in which these texts were written. Biblical teachings on marriage were given at a time when women had limited rights and were often treated as property. The protection of women was a significant concern, and the regulations surrounding divorce were intended to prevent abuse and abandonment.

 Christian Single Parents Advice For Every Single Christian Parent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:06

Christian single parents carry significant responsibilities and often face loneliness. Think about it. It can feel overwhelming to manage all the chores, attend to your children’s needs, and find time for personal well-being. In today’s world, single parenthood has become increasingly common, and the journey is seldom smooth. For Christian single parents, the task becomes even more significant as they seek to instill spiritual values while managing life’s challenges singlehandedly. This article will offer essential advice and strategies for Christian single parents to raise their children with faith, hope, and love, drawing inspiration from Biblical principles. Understanding the Stress of Christian Single Parents: Leaving dating aside, being a single parent can be extremely stressful, both emotionally and physically. The number of single-parent households has surged in recent years, and this includes many single Christian parents. In fact, according to Pew Research, over 40% of US families are single-parent-led households. And many of these folks are single Christian parents. One of my friends who is a single parent dad to two minor children was discussing the possibilities of using an online Christian dating service. He stated, “Who has time for dating, and how would the kids handle that? No, with all my daily responsibilities I barely have time to use the bathroom! What I really need are some single parent stress reducers.”  the Needs of Single Christian Parents Single Christian parents have overwhelming spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. Yet, polls also show they are one of the least likely groups to attend church. Why is this? Well, money-saving worries have led some single parents to work several jobs in order to make ends meet, and they simply do not have the time. Many others, however, feel excluded or stigmatized by the church, and so stay at home. In a nutshell, single parenting is stressful. Period. It is essential for churches to embrace and support single parents, demonstrating the love of Jesus through practical care. When the Scripture states that believers should care for the poor, the widows and the defenseless,  single parents are not too far removed. Churches and single-parent ministries have a great opportunity to show the love of Jesus in this area. Christian Single Parents Action Steps In the meantime, if you are a single Christian parent, and struggling with the burdens of life. let me remind you of  the following steps Christian single parents can take to help lessen the load of parenting: * Stop feeling guilty! You cannot do it all, no matter what that single-parent prayer says. So take a bow (you deserve it!) for the job you are doing and rest in the One who can do it all, and who wants to help you bear the load (Psalms 55:22, Psalms 91, 1 Peter 5:7). * Maintain Consistency: Being consistent helps create a stable environment for your children. This includes consistent discipline,


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