Sounds from the Shadows

creating Podcast, shadow puppetry, storytelling

  • 11 members
  • 82 posts
  • $11.18/month

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Old Wives Tale
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You heard it from a friend of a friend who says it definitely happened to their granny.

With this tier you get our heartfelt thanks, and access to any content we post on pattern, including voting in polls for upcoming episodes of the podcast

Most popular
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Pasted on for generations through words of mouth, exact origins lost to time.

With this tier you get our heartfelt thanks, and access to any content we post on pattern, including voting in polls for upcoming episodes of the podcast, AND we will send you a thank you postcard featuring an original piece of Tales from the Shadows Art.

Fairy Tale
 / month
Elevated from the oral tradition to be immortalised in literate.

With this tier you get our heartfelt thanks, and access to any content we post on pattern, including voting in polls for upcoming episodes of the podcast, AND we will send you a THREE postcards featuring original Tales from the Shadows Art.

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Limited (12 of 12 remaining)

A legend speaks for itself.

With this tier you get our heartfelt thanks, and access to any content we post on pattern, including voting in polls for upcoming episodes of the podcast, AND we will send you a THREE postcard featuring original Tales from the Shadows Art. Plus, Emily will send you an original piece of paper-cut art depicting a loved fairytale.

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Sounds from the Shadows

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