Better Than Yesterday: Osher Günsberg

Better Than Yesterday: Osher Günsberg

With every new day comes the opportunity to grow. Hosted by Osher Günsberg - a best-selling author, podcaster, TV host, husband, dad, stepdad, electric mobility enthusiast and part-time climate worrier. Making it better every episode since 2013.

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April 28, 2024

The freeze response, tonic immobility in sharks, and what to do about it (unless you're being hunted by an Orca)

Osher describes how yesterday he discovered an underlying freeze response which he didn’t realise was playing havoc with his life. ‌ Join him for an exploration in to how if we’re not in “fight” or “flight” we can become imm…
April 25, 2024

Three chairs and the truth - a technique to see things from another perspective

After his chat with Jodi on Wednesday, Osher was reminded about his experience with a fascinating way to develop theory of mind: The Three Chairs Technique. While it sounds like mental musical chairs, it’s actually quite pow…
April 23, 2024

Navigating emotional and intimate connection with neurodiversity (even if you're a normie) with Jodi Gordon

The sexologist from "love on the spectrum" has a lot to teach Osher about intimacy and connection - no matter what your brain is like.
April 21, 2024

Whoever said curiosity killed the cat probably just wanted to control cats.

Using the power of curiosity to transform situations, relationships, and even ourselves.
April 18, 2024

Burpees for the brain. This is the most impactful exercise I use to improve my mental fitness.

Exactly how to keep mentally fit? Here's something I use daily...
April 16, 2024

The importance of creating a village around you, ft Gus Worland.

Nobody does this alone. However if we don't go out of our way to make it otherwise, we can end up feeling like we do.