My Paranormal Podcast

Happy Paranormal Day!


Today, May 3rd is Paranormal Day, where those who believe in the paranormal get together and share their unique experiences with each other! Seminars, radio broadcasts, podcasts along with readings take place worldwide.

It’s a great excuse to hang out with friends, watch a film of the paranormal and supernatural genre. If you’re a new follower of ours, be sure to check out our paranormal podcasts over at our Podcast Feed page.

If you would like to hear a particular episode streaming via our site, you may do so by clicking the respective podcast below.

Episode List:

  1. My Paranormal Podcast: The Hannah House
  2. My Paranormal Podcast: Psychic Mediumship Series Part 1 - Beth Berry
  3. My Paranormal Podcast: Psychic Mediumship Series Part 2 - Jennifer Farmer
  4. My Paranormal Podcast: Indiana Ghost Trackers
  5. My Paranormal Podcast: Chuck Bergman

Let us know what you think of our podcast shows and if you have any suggestions for future episodes. Drop us a line here or follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or connect with us on Google+.

We would love to hear from you!

Woman Unveils Bigfoot Hair and Skin Samples


Betty Klopp believes Bigfoot truly exists and claims that she has the hair and skin samples to prove it. The samples, which were originally collected by her parents in the 1960s found them as they had been driving along one day and were forced to swerve to avoid a figure standing in the middle of the road. When they got out to investigate there was not a single sign of anyone or anything. However the next day they discovered skin and hair snagged on to the back of the trailer.

“This is something you don’t run into every day, quite literally,” said Klopp. To find out more about the samples she had them sent to the University of Montana for testing about three years ago, however researchers were unable to identify the species because the DNA had deteriorated too much.

Betty Klopp has been holding on to these strands of hair and bits of skin for nearly 45 years. “Of course I’ve kept it,” Klopp told KPIC News. “I wouldn’t give it up for anything. ”

She believes the clump came from a bigfoot. No one has proven the existence of the bigfoot - or sasquatch or yeti or skunk ape, as some call the creature. Klopp is a convinced the forest dweller is really out there. “Oh definitely,” she said. “I don’t think people should go around shooting him if they find him.”

To read more of the article and watch a video of the news story, check out


Do you believe Bigfoot exists?

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible."
"It is wonderful that five thousand years have now elapsed since the creation of the world, and still it is undecided whether or not there has ever been an instance of the spirit of any person appearing after death. All argument is against it; but all belief is for it."

Are Crop Circles Man-Made?


A crop circle expert from Australia believes that he has evidence to suggest that they aren’t. An article from the Birmingham Mail explores the phenomena as researcher Greg Jefferys claims to have uncovered evidence that crop circles have been appearing in fields as far back as 1880, a fact that he believes proves that the occurrence pre-dates circle hoaxers.

An excerpt below:

An Aussie historian believes he has buried forever the ‘cereal’ lie that crop circles are the work of hoaxers – by unearthing Black Country images of them dating back to 1945 and beyond.

It’s ‘barley’ believable, but Greg Jefferys has also uncovered evidence of the phenomenon in scientific documents dating back to 1880.

The boffin, from Hobart, Tasmania, says his findings prove there’s more to the mysterious circles than hoaxers playing silly tricks.

“This discovery proves that claims by various artists to be the sole creators of crop circles are themselves a hoax,” he says.

“It just goes to show that the circles remain unexplained.

“I hope this discovery will stimulate renewed interest in crop circles by serious scientific researchers who have been fooled by the hoax claims.”

What do you believe?

Mysterious Purple Spheres Found in Arizona Desert


A couple from Tucson were perplexed when they came across a number of the objects while out sightseeing.

The strange spheres were found piled up in significant quantities, some of them watery and others translucent. “We were taking photos around the area and we just….I mean, how could you miss this ?” said Geraldine Vargas who discovered the spheres with her husband. Reporters for TV station KGUN-9 were the first on the scene and filmed the spectacle for a televised broadcast.

One theory to explain the strange objects is that the spheres are a type of slime, mould or jelly. Another suggestion is that they are an artificial product designed to absorb and hold moisture for use in hydrating plants, however there is no explanation for how they turned up in the middle of the desert. “It’s just one of those things that you’ve never seen before,” Geraldine added.

Watch the news story below:

To read more of the story, check out Yahoo! News!

What do you think it is?

Ghostbusters Game by Beeline Now Available!


 Who ya gonna call?

Now you can answer the proverbial question and answer the call yourself as Beeline Interactive, Inc. and Sony Pictures announced the release of Ghostbusters in iOS for iPad, iPhone, and the iPod Touch!

The game is free and offers resource management and strategic combat in a game set within the NYC, as both films did. 

In a statement from Beeline Interactive:

“The game puts players in charge of their own Ghostbusters franchise. From their firehouse headquarters, players will send their team of spook slayers out into New York city to stop troublemaking spirits in their tracks. They’ll also make their way up floor after floor of a haunted tower, which has been overtaken by an evil deity.” 

The game will have players equipped with trademark Ghostbusters gear such as proton packs and spirit traps, where players can utilize them to earn rewards for successfully taking down a floor’s roaming ghosts.


These rewards can then be used to conduct research and upgrade equipment, making it possible to take on even tougher spirits.

Gamers will also be able to hire new recruits and expand operations along the way, sending out squads to take on ghosts all over the city on your quest to put wandering haunts back in their place. 

As big fans of both the film and the paranormal, we’re really excited about this! Be sure to download the game today at the iTunes App Store!

If you’ve already got the game, what do you think of it?

UFO Sightings Over Michigan and Indiana Baffle Residents


All eyes were on the skies in Indianapolis and Detroit this past week following a spate of reports about strange lights. Social media sites were abuzz with reports from puzzled residents. A user on Facebook wrote that even though there was no noise, the unidentified flying objects had bright lights, claiming “They were black triangle-shaped objects making circles over West Bloomfield and Farmington Hills.”

The Huffington Post has the complete story. Below is an excerpt and a video from FOX News:

There’s no official explanation yet of what people reported in the skies over Detroit last Thursday night.

“I’ve been watching the airplanes tonight and it wasn’t quite as high as them,” eyewitness David Levy told Fox 2 News. “You could actually see the triangle shape of the object.”

Levy was with a group of friends in Flat Rock around 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 10, according to Fox 2 News reporter Ron Savage. “In fact, our Fox 2 Facebook page has been blowing up with hundreds of posts on the subject,” Savage reported.

So far no official explanation has been put forward to explain the sightings. To read more of the article and learn about Michigan’s infamous history with UFO sightings, check out The Huffington Post.

Haunted Inn Up For Sale in Florida


Looking for an exciting summer retreat? A haunted 19th century inn is now up for sale in Longwood, Florida. Will it scare off potential buyers?

WFTV9 explores a 19th century haunted inn. Below is an excerpt.

The building’s one of the few 19th century buildings in the state and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. And it’s said to be haunted.

Legend has it the owner, George Clark, died in the back of the building in 1925. Some believe he and other spirits still roam the halls.

“You hear the giggles, and I think it’s sometimes little kids because it used to be an inn before,” said Nancy Melendez, who works in the building.

“[We hear] tapping on the walls. We’ll be just working, regular day, it’d be like 2 in the afternoon, and we’d hear like. ‘tap, tap, tap.’ It’s so weird.” said Crystal Peterson, who works in the building.

The inn has been featured on several paranormal TV shows.

The sellers hope that is someone interested in turning it back to a bed and breakfast will be willing to pay the $2.2 million asking price.

Since putting the building on the market a month ago, the sellers said they have received dozens of calls from tourists and paranormal seekers, but only one call from an interested.

To read more, check out the article at WFTV9.

"There is no mystery greater than that posed by the poltergeist. The noisy ghosts of folklore and legend represent some of the most complex phenomena known to science."

ABC Reporter, Vanessa Bolano gets a ghostly visit at the Myrtles Plantation


A story about one of America’s most haunted houses turned ghostly this week when the camera picked up an eerie object floating behind reporter, Vanessa Bolano’s head as she filmed a news story on the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana. The plantation claims the title of just one of America’s most haunted houses.

When Bolano brought back her footage back to the ABC studio, she noticed a foggy apparition behind her while standing in the French room and describing the 12 ghosts that supposedly haunt the grounds.

The plantation’s history has been steeped in ghost stories. The 215-year-old home was built by a general named David Bradford, according to the official website.

Today tourists have the chance to stay in the bed and breakfast or get married on the grounds! The Daily Mail recounts the tale of a slave named Chloe, who was known for sneaking around the grounds and eavesdropping on conversations until her master caught her one day and cut off her ear as punishment. She baked a cake using poisonous leaves and served it for revenge against him but the master’s wife and daughters ate the poisonous cake instead.

As the story goes, Chloe was lynched before she could run away and she still haunts the grounds but who knows. She could have very well just made her first TV appearance.

To watch the video, check it out below:

For more on the story, head on over to the Daily Mail.

The Science Behind Monsters and Vampires


Ever wonder where did the fascination with vampires and werewolves actually originate from? In recent years, there’s been such a heavy influx of affection for the monsters that go bump in the night and lurk in the shadows. It’s a question that science journalist Matt Kaplan has set out to investigate as well.

Kaplan maintains that our tendency to crave stories about horror and monsters is not dissimilar to the way in which lion cubs behave when they engage in play fighting—they allow us to face our worst fears without putting ourselves in any genuine danger. Different fictional and mythical monsters have sprung up around this tendency for telling terrifying tales.

Some people may have had some basis in reality, for instance the concept of vampires may have sprung from symptoms of decay in the newly deceased. Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula is most commonly associated with bringing the vampire concept in to popular culture, but how did we get from the blood curdling terror of Count Dracula to the modern day vampires of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga?

An excerpt from the interview with Kaplan:

The suave and sensitive Edward Cullen of “Twilight” may be the norm for vampires these days, but fictional monsters such as Dracula originally sprang from the fear of inexplicable diseases and the mysteries of death in the natural world.

So argues science journalist Matt Kaplan in “Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters,” an examination of monsters around the world and throughout history - the science behind their origins, and why they matter to us even now.

“When our kids ask for monster stories around the campfire, they are behaving in a way that is not dissimilar to lion cubs,” Kaplan said in an email.

“Lion cubs play fight so they can test out their skills in a safe place where nobody is going to get maimed or killed. Monster stories serve a similar purpose, they allow us to face our worst fears without the risks that are normally associated with them.”

To read the full article, head on over to Reuters.

‘Paranormal Activity’ and the Real World of Parapsychology


An interesting article out of CNN about the film franchise, Paranormal Activity and other scary movies in correlation with the real world of parapsychology. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, director and founder of the Office of Paranormal Investigations takes a look at scary movies on on a whole and though he is skeptical about demonic possession  as he says there are elements in films that don’t line up with his studies.

“I like a good horror film, but these movies do not approach the reality of what people experience,” said Loyd Auerbach, director and founder of the Office of Paranormal Investigations. That title means he’s the guy you’re actually going to call when you need a ghost buster.

Movies are, of course, entertainment, but parapsychology is a very real study that draws tons of criticism from both academia and real world skeptics. Auerbach is a professor at both Atlantic University and JFK University and is the creator and instructor of the Certificate Program in Parapsychological Studies at HCH Institute in Lafayette, California. In those positions he has come into contact with plenty of doubters of his work, but is very aware that horror films have a huge following.

Both “Paranormal Activity” and “Sinister” not only deal with the idea of evil beings, but also demonic possession. Believe it or not, Auerbach is skeptical about such things. “I don’t buy that demons are taking people over like that,” Auerbach said. “Frankly, I don’t get calls like that.” In his position Auerbach looks at social science instead of religion, observing locations and people to confirm paranormal experiences.

Not that Auerbach’s talents would be called in immediately in the world of Hollywood. In cliche horror fashion, “Paranormal Activity’s” and “Sinister’s” characters wait to call experts – psychics and demonologists – until they’re too far into the villains’ ghostly grasp.

Auerbach meets with people from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds looking for information about the phenomena impacting their environment. Both the “Paranormal Activity” franchise and “Sinister” feature age-old staples of shadowy figures, unexplained noises, and objects moving for no reason whatsoever. “Most people are not crazy or mentally ill,” he said. “They are misperceiving or misinterpreting occurrences that are happening in their home.”

To read the rest of the article, go to CNN.

Happy Halloween from My Paranormal!



We at My Paranormal wish you all a boo-pendous evening with your family and friends, and hope you all have a lot of fun ahead of you, no matter what you’re up to.

If you’re staying in tonight, we recommend a few of our favorite films like Ghostbusters, The Exorcist, The Shining along with some awesome Hitchcock thrills like The Birds, Psycho, Rear Window and Vertigo. Another classic is The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a timeless and remarkable film.

recent study found that those who watched horror movies or put themselves through 90 minutes of adrenaline-pumping terror used up as much as 113 calories. That’s close to the amount burned during a half-hour walk and the equivalent to a chocolate bar!

Might we also suggest if you’re in the mood for some quiet downtime, to check out our podcasts particularly The Hannah House and the Indiana Ghost Trackers which includes some EVPs! For more episodes, be sure to check them out here

For those of you heading out tonight trick-or-treating or attending a costume party, what are you all dressing up and going out as?

My Paranormal Podcasts Now Available on iTunes!


With Halloween tomorrow, our podcasts are now available for free on iTunes! Why not give them a listen if you haven’t already! In these past weeks, we covered psychics and mediumship, haunted places and paranormal investigators.

Download our podcasts on iTunes now!

If you would like to hear a particular episode streaming via our site, you may do so by clicking the respective podcast below.

Episode List:

  1. My Paranormal Podcast: The Hannah House
  2. My Paranormal Podcast: Psychic Mediumship Series Part 1 - Beth Berry
  3. My Paranormal Podcast: Psychic Mediumship Series Part 2 - Jennifer Farmer
  4. My Paranormal Podcast: Indiana Ghost Trackers
  5. My Paranormal Podcast: Chuck Bergman

Let us know what you think of our podcast shows and if you have any suggestions for future episodes. Drop us a line here or follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or connect with us on Google+.

We would love to hear from you!