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Crikey is an independent news website featuring commentary on politics, media, business, culture and technology.

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Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

Dutton’s nuclear nonsense catches up with him — while Labor keeps running

Peter Dutton has accepted the basic reality of his nuclear power fantasy: a lot more coal-fired power until the 2040s at the earliest.

An image provided by REINSW of its AI bot board adviser "Alice Ing" (Image: REINSW)

AI bot with ‘IQ of 155’ to advise real estate agents on ethics

The Real Estate Institute of NSW has appointed a ChatGPT-run bot called Alice Ing to ‘analyse huge quantities of data’ during board meetings.

News Corp Australasia Executive Chairman Michael Miller (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

News Corp cajoles and, yes, bullies other Australian media outlets

The US company understands the business of journalism better than anybody else.

Conflicted Costello’s departure shifts deckchairs in a doomed industry

Look beyond Peter Costello’s encounter with a News Corp journalist and you’ll see an industry in its death throes.

Should public transport really be 50 cents?

Let’s talk about other ways of financing network expansions.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak meets D-Day veteran Eric Bateman (Image: AP/Andrew Matthews)

Sunak bombs on the beaches of Normandy, but why?

Did a man who has downplayed his heritage find it impossible to consent to European triumphalism?

A Starmer government wouldn’t get in the way of AUKUS. The UK has too much money on the line

Keir Starmer would be stupid to oppose AUKUS, given how much money Australia is paying the UK to make nuclear reactors for the submarines.

Wieambilla shooter Gareth Train (Image: Supplied)

Wieambilla shooter Gareth Train’s online history is quietly disappearing from the internet

Obscure websites that Gareth Train frequented claim the Wieambilla terrorist attack was a conspiracy. But his comments on their blogs have been removed.

The robodebt royal commission report (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

We’ve ensured another robodebt will happen

If the only consequence for implementing an illegal scheme like robodebt is a slap on the wrist, it sends the signal that we condone it.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Why is Labor lying about all the money it’s giving to Israeli arms company Elbit?

Israeli arms company Elbit, which helped kill Zomi Frankcom, is getting more than $900 million from the Albanese government. Why won’t Labor acknowledge the truth?

Monique Ryan, independent MP for Kooyong (Image: Private Media/Zennie)

As Frydenberg’s kite-flying flames out, Monique Ryan stays locked on TikTok

The battle for Kooyong may come down to who can reach frustrated millennial and Gen Z voters. The teal incumbent has her eye on them.

Understanding TikTok and WeChat beyond the fearful headlines

The two popular apps, owned by Chinese companies, are often lumped together and used to stir up fear of China. But is that fair?

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Tourism Australia bigwig kept empty apartment in China while getting free rent in Sydney

Top executives were grilled at estimates, where they defended the decision to pay the Sydney rent of a top employee while he kept his apartment in China.

Tourism Australia logo and advertising (Images: Tourism Australia)

‘She has no choice’: NACC called in to investigate Tourism Australia after holiday expenses scandal

After Crikey revealed three staff went on private holidays using $137k of taxpayer funds, Tourism Australia has now confirmed the NACC is involved.

Peter Dutton (Image: AAP/James Ross)

Dutton’s migrant rhetoric depends on a complicit media

Traditional media once understood migration reporting was to be ‘handled with care’. The rhetoric has long since become toxic.

Antoinette Lattouf (Image: Instagram)

Antoinette Lattouf fired by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds 

Antoinette Lattouf has had a win in her legal battle with the ABC, with the Fair Work Commission finding she was fired from her casual radio role.

Destroyed buildings in Rafah (Image: EPA/Mohammed Saber)

As ‘All eyes on Rafah’ floods Instagram, Gazan families seek help on WhatsApp

As the AI-generated ‘All eyes on Rafah’ Instagram tile was shared more than 47 million times, real families in Gaza were reaching out on messaging services.

Former US president Donald Trump (Image: EPA/Peter Foley)

Convicted felon Donald Trump faces Australia travel ban

His conviction also means he’s barred from sitting on a jury… and teaching English in South Korea.

Shadow treasurer Angus Taylor (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

How much do we really want productivity growth? Turns out, not so much

The easiest way to lift productivity is to get rid of workers. But how serious are we about improving our productivity performance?

(Image: Private Media/Zennie)

Money worries? Ask Steve Forrester!

Crikey’s money man Steve Forrester takes your questions about all your goddamn swag. As told to Guy Rundle.

Cannabis and the logo for online medical clinic Alternaleaf (Image: Private Media/Alternaleaf)

Cannabis companies advertising on social media face backlash from drug watchdog

The Therapeutic Goods Administration alleges advertising cannabis directly to consumers can lead to ‘inappropriate demand for these medicines’.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

People with disability have spelled out 6 priorities — now politicians must act 

People with disability are too often seen as problems to be solved, rather than the problem-solvers with agency to act.

A protester rallying against the planned Santos Narrabri Gas Project, in Sydney (Image: AAP/Dan Himbrechts)

There’s no time to indulge Labor’s love affair with gas — it delays the inevitable

Labor claims gas is critical to the net-zero pathways of Australia’s trading partners. This ignores the exponentially growing affordability of renewables.