Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Handheld This! Episode 5

Hola mi amigos! Sorry for the huge delay on the podcast show. We all been so busy, especially me Zero_D. So soon Jarobi and I will have a new show, so stay turn for that one.

Show Outline:
- Nothing...We improvised


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Click Here to download the MP3

Featured Music Artist:
  • Beatnuts- No Escapin' This
  • Delinquent Habits - Return Of The Tres Delincuentes
  • 50cent - Candy Shop
  • StarCity vs. Real Life - Send Me an Angel
  • ?? - A New Tomorrow (?)
  • Groove Armada - Superstylin

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year, Handheld Hooligans!

Handheld This!: Episode 4

Hey there Handheld This! fans! I must apologize for the very, very long delay in deploying our latest (not so latest...) episode. Despite mine and Zero_D's tremendously busy schedules, we will still continue to push on and deliver to you the most updated (well... as updated as we can...) DS and PSP news and factoids. As of this posting, Episode 5 is just about ready to be released so you can expect to see that one quite shortly. Anyhow, Zero_D and I decided to take a break from our usual format and do a very ad-hoc "Web Edition" episode. I won't get into specifics here, but we pretty much browse the web for PSP and DS news and give our respective commentaries, along with a little bit of humour on the side. I have also added some relaxing music to the background, courtesy of Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works albums. Part of the reason for the huge delay is the fact that Zero_D and I kinda got a little carried away with this episode and that resulted in me having to edit over an hour and a half of our ranting... a very daunting task, indeed! Well, with the new year up and running and the gaming industry becoming more eventful, hopefully we will be seeing more frequent episodes of Handheld This! Enough of MY ranting, enjoy the episode Boys and Girls!

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(Click here to download part 1)
(Click here to download part 2)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The most awesome thing ever...

Hello again, Handheld Hooligans! Imagine waiting in line for a PS3 for 18 hours and just smashing the thing to bits on the street once you get one! That's what happened on November 17, the launch day of the PS3 by some fellow Canadians. The video really does speak for itself though.

I think that was the most awesome thing ever! I think that smashing the PS3 is a symbol of and retaliation against all the BS Sony has served us throughout the developemnt of their console (i.e. delayed shipments in Europe, a $700 pricetag, a long, boring, drawn out E3 presentation, no Dual Shock, coping Nintendo with the motion sensing controller, Bluray, etc). I say kudos to you, fellow Canadian PS3 haters! If I was rich, I would do the same thing with 10 PS3s. Sony really has gone downhill since the PS2. But then again, Sony had always operated on a megalomaniacal paradigm. Their greed with respect to the Playstation line of systems has finally shown its true form. I mean, c'mon, $700 for a system?! You could buy a PC for that much, or even put a down payment on a beater. That's even before all the games and accesories a PS3 user is likely to buy. It seems to me that the PS3 is just a good looking, power hungry money-pit. I love video games, but not enough to shell out that much cash. A ladies man like myself still has to keep a high profile, and that means having enough extra cash for a social life. With a Wii, you can have enough cash to throw a party at your house and impress the ladies with your shiny Wiimote (wink, wink). In short, You plus Wii equals women, You plus PS3 equals lonely nights, debt, and of course, lots and lots of porn. So Sony, I once again have to say to you, boourns... boourns.

*****UPDATE: The most sad thing ever...*****

I knew this was coming, but the same folks that smashed that PS3 smashed a Wii today (Nov 19th). Let us now all bow our heads in prayer as we mourn our dear departed console... Well, enough of that, here's the video:

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Guess who got bricked..

Handheld This!: Episode 3

This is our third episode of Handheld This! I (Zero_D) have been very busy with my fantastic adventures at the University and have not been able to update our blog in the past couple weeks...Sorry. Anyhow, here is the synopsis of the whole episode:

- Intro: Zero_D and Jarobi again talks about useless information like black exploitation films

- Jarobi'’s DS news items

- Zero_D's PSP news items

- What would be our ideal handheld games for the DS or for the PSP

- Closer by Jarobi

(Click here to download)

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******UPDATE: Sad News******

Well fellow PSP users out there, this is Zero_D here and you must heard the great news about downgrading PSP 2.71 to 1.50. Well I downgraded it and it was so great to use homebrew, but I got greedy with the whole 1.50 thing. I was trying to play with a hombrew modification program called X-Flash, and I was trying to do things to my PSP to the point where I bricked it. Yes my PSP is no longer no more and I am sad, but its not the end of my PSP days. I am now looking for a used PSP, it may take a while to get one since I am a poor university student. So you ask what this mean? Well it means that I got no PSP for a month or two and it also means that the show won't end because of this. The show must go on and I'll try to give a good discussion on the PSP even though I don't have one, so don't worry and I hope you'll still listen to our show.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Yes, we are still doing a podcast show...

Handheld This!: Episode 2 (parts 1 and 2)

This is our second episode of Handheld This! Zero_D and I have been very busy with our fantastic adventures outside of this show and have not been able to update our blog in the past month (...sorry?). Anyhow, here is the synopsis of the whole episode:

- Intro: Zero_D and Jarobi somehow get to ranting along about the weather in Winnipeg, and for what reason? Who knows?

- Jarobi’s DS news items

- Zero_D’s PSP news items

- A very long and drawn-out debate about the future of the PSP, featuring a momentary visit from a surprise guest

- Zero_D and Jarobi rant about something related to the DS and PSP world

- Closer: A special message from Jarobi and Zero_D

(Click here to download part 1)
(Click here to download part 2)

Episode 2 (part 1):

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Episode 2 (part 2):

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Nintendo DS Browser apathy!? Say it isn't so!

Hello again, handheld hooligans! It's my first actual Nintendo DS post! I thought I was going to go insane after that Poo Smells Poopy post. Now that I have purged my inner child, I will continue on with today's DS news, the Opera Web Browser... DS. According to an article I spied my eye on in Gamespot, Japan seems frightfully divided over the browser on that lovable handheld. However, its release is still slated for late July in the land of our Asiatic cousins. If history is a reliable forture teller, it will tell us that any disinterest in video gaming paraphenalia in Japan means its virtual non-existence on North American shores (maybe even Europe). One such reason for DS Browser apathy include the inability to have a full web browsing experience on the handheld (e.g. audio/video playback, flash, etc.). Let's stop right there. We're talking about browsing the web on a portable device, people! It's not like Opera and Nintendo have the time and resources to fit all existing web technologies onto a single cartridge. That is so unfeasible, it's ridiculous. Additionally, I don't know of any handheld device that you can fully experience the web on, not even that so-called PSP (don't even get me started on when I tried to browse the web on my cellphone... sheesh!). If anyone finds such a device, let me know, I'd be very interested to know about it! That being said, web browsing on a portable device (other than a laptop) was meant for purely informational purposes, mild entertainment, and of course, porn. So what if the new DS Browser doesn't support all the bells and whistles of a PC web browser? If I wanted to experience the full web wherever I go, I would carry my 50 ton PC and a huge ass electrical generator in my backpack (they would complement my heavy textbooks quite nicely!). To conclude my little rant, I would like to say that I really, really, REALLY hope that the DS Browser makes it here in North America. We all should do our part to support this little piece of technological wonder. In an effort to convince Nintendo and Opera to release the DS Browser here, I will show off a little banner I found:

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Is Sony racist, or has PC gone way out of hand?

Howdy handheld hooligans, it's-a-me, Jarobi! Yeah, I know... I'm posting PSP news even though my alignment is with the DS. However, this little bit of news was intriguing enough for me to temporarily forget my handheld allegiences. A very controversal ad was released in the Netherlands for the new white PSP. This ad depicts a White female apparently dominating over a Black male. When I first looked at the ad, I didn't really see anything completely out of place, because I'm the kind of person who doesn't focus on race as opposed to one's own merits. Then I read several comments responding to the ad, and found that almost everyone was pissed right off! Sure the ad was a bit sleazy, but I had thought after reading the comments that PC (political correctness) just got a little out of hand. Upon closer examination of the advertisment, I realized that the woman looked as though she had a severe case of PMS, while the man looked as though he would wet himself with so much as a blink from his adversary. Clearly, the apparent theme of this ad, intentional or not, is domination. I think that Sony is sending the wrong message to its consumers by creating an ad that pretty much says that the white PSP is better than the black PSP, when in fact, this is not so. I also find the theme of domination unnecessary to market the differently hued handheld. Finally, I don't have a problem with people of different ethnicities in the same ad, but when the domination theme is included, it can conjure up images of a not so tolerant past. This is especially true for those who have experienced discrimination (racial or otherwise) before. I would bet a year's worth in goat's milk that many would agree that this ad says, "White is better than Black". Sure, PC can get a little out of hand from time to time. There are also people who look for racism where it doesn't exist and live their lives in contempt of everyone different from themselves. However, when someone says and/or does something offensive, regardless of intent, the act is still offensive. Instead of defending the ad, I think Sony should have kindly apologized after realizing their error. Whether this ad was intended to send a racist message or not will never be known unless we have mental powers akin to Professor X. Nor do I really care. What we do know is that this is a case of the wrong message sent as a result of sloppy marketing. For that, I will have to say boourns to you Sony, boourns.

P.S. Here's an idea: imagine an ad where you have the same Black and White couple, but instead of the fighting pose, have them in a loving embrace. Instead of conjured images of cotton fields, we will have images of Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney singing a duet, if you know what I mean!