Spirituality Podcasts

Omega Man Radio - Casting out Demons  show

Omega Man Radio - Casting out Demons Join Now to Follow

Exorcism and Casting out of Demons in Jesus Christ Name. Preaching the Full gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and training people in Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Ministry.

By Omega Man

Token Skeptic Podcast show

Token Skeptic PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A weekly look at superstition, paranormal belief and the skepticism and science behind it all. The podcast covers a range of ideas and issues, stemming from psychology, philosophy and ethics, science, critical thinking, literacy and education.

By Kylie Sturgess

The Sages - Saints - Gurus and Incarnations show

The Sages - Saints - Gurus and IncarnationsJoin Now to Follow

The life stories of the great sages, saints, gurus, and incarnations or avatars. In this podcast series, RajShree Maa will be narrating all about a Sage, Saint, Guru and an Incarnation or Avatar. Sage: A sage is a Wiseman who has the wisdom and knowledge about the Truth of God. Examples of sages are Chanakya, Hemadripant, Confucious, Tsun Zu. A sage is also a philosopher like Aristotle or Socrates. Saint: A saint is a person who has manifested to serve the purpose of the divine Lord Almighty. Examples of saints are Kabir, Tukaram, Meerabai, Saibaba, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. Some saints are canonised by the church also like St.Peters, St.Thomas, St. Francis Xavier. There are also Sufi saints like Rumi, Hazrat Kwaja Garib Nawaz or Inayat Ullah Khan. Guru: ‘GURU’ – ‘Gu’ means destroyer or remover, and ‘Ru’ means darkness or ignorance. Therefore, a Guru is the destroyer of our ignorance and illuminer of knowledge. The term ‘Gu’ also means ‘Gunaheet’ meaning beyond Gunas, qualities or attributes and ‘Ru’ means ‘Rupavarjita’ meaning beyond all forms or formless. Therefore, the Guru is the One who has transcended the mind, body, senses, and the three Gunas. ‘Gu’ also denotes spiritual ignorance, and ‘Ru’ denotes the light of spiritual knowledge. Therefore, Guru is the One who dispels the darkness of spiritual ignorance in his disciples and illuminates them with spiritual knowledge through spiritual experiences. The Guru is the Tattva or the Teaching Principle of God. He is Nirgun or Unmanifest. The unmanifest Guru pervades the entire Universe at all times. The unmanifest Guru works through some of the evolved individuals who are known as the sagun or manifest Guru in the human form – ‘Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma.’ Incarnation or Avatar: An incarnation is the divine essence of the Lord. He has manifested or taken a human form to establish ‘Dharma’ or ‘Righteousness’ and God’s religion. Some of the most remarkable incarnations or avatars are Shree Ram, Lord Shree Krsna, Parashuram, Buddha, Jesus Christ or my KrsnaGuruji. The full Avatar is enlightened and completely aware of their own divinity even at the time of birth. The incarnation is never overcome by the ‘Maya’ or ‘Illusions’ of the material world. They are always aware of their mission and the divine powers at his command. Therefore, A God, Guru and Incarnation are no different from each other. They are all the same. An Avatar and Guru both remain in a state of eternal bliss. They both are Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. But, at the same time, there is a primary difference between Avatar and Guru. The difference lies in how that state of Cosmic Consciousness (Eternal Bliss) is attained.

By Radha Krsna Mai Gurukul

A Moment with Cindy Hurn show

A Moment with Cindy HurnJoin Now to Follow

As a Transformational Coach Cindy learns by watching life. With rich metaphorical language and a relaxing voice she invites you to drop down a gear and share her depth of thought. Combining Spiritual Perspective with a practical approach to common sense we are reminded of innate wisdom. Cindy's voice blends Heart and Word opening the doors of Awareness leaving us wanting more.<br><br>This show is a best of The Cindy Hurn Show Podcast is brought to you by Talk 4 Podcasting (<a href="http://www.talk4podcasting.com/)" rel="noopener">www.talk4podcasting.com/)</a> on the Talk 4 Media Network (<a href="http://www.talk4media.com/)" rel="noopener">www.talk4media.com/)</a>.

By Talk 4 Radio

Morning Mindset Daily Christian Devotional show

Morning Mindset Daily Christian DevotionalJoin Now to Follow

Over 22,000 daily downloads of the Morning Mindset everyday shows how this 5-minute Mindset Reset helps you get started for the day. Of course, you can listen to each daily episode anytime you want, but it's designed to help you get your mind aligned with the truth of God, from the scriptures, every single morning. Episodes are drawn directly from scripture, life-application based, and challenging to mature and beginning Christ-followers alike. Your host is Carey Green, a retired Pastor who can't seem to retire. Find out more at https://CareyGreen.com

By Carey Green

Mormon Truths!! show

Mormon Truths!!Join Now to Follow

The purpose of this podcast is to spread the "REAL TRUTH" about the Mormon Church and expose the true history, fraud and lies that the Mormon Hierarchy would rather not discuss. It's time to uncover the lies and reveal them to the world!!

By Samuel the Utahnite

Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | Life show

Three Key Life: More Than Money Podcast - Inspiration| Empowerment | LifeJoin Now to Follow

More Than Money Podcast is all about understanding that life is more than the money we accumulate, the titles we hold, and the jobs we work. It is all about living a fulfilled life, empowering our fellow man and woman, serving where we are needed, and living for something greater than ourselves. Jeffon Seely from the ThreeKeyLife, uncovers ways that we can become better in our individual lives, bringing our connection between our spirit, our minds, and our bodies to the surface. He does this by delivering inspiring content designed to motivate you to be your best today. He also interviews some of the most inspirational people of our time. Each episode leaves you with simple, yet practical steps that you can begin to add to your life today. Whether your looking to start a new career, expand your business, looking for ways to add more value to your life and the lives of others, or just simply looking to be motivated and inspired, the More Than Money Podcast is here to serve as a beacon of light that points in the direction of peace, expansion, abundance, and respect for all. Step forth confidently and unlock your greatness.

By Jeffon Seely: Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, &amp; Blogger

The Prosperity Lighthouse Show show

The Prosperity Lighthouse ShowJoin Now to Follow

Entrepreneurs share their personal and business success stories to inspire and empower other entrepreneurs (or individuals thinking about starting a business) to finally do what it takes to Live Their Passion. Spiritual Empowerment Coach Nat Couropmitree talks candidly with successful business owners about the importance of life purpose, passion, staying motivated, trusting themselves, overcoming obstacles and having a vision. Visit our blog http://www.ProsperityLighthouse.com/blog

By Nat Couropmitree

Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac Podcast show

Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac PodcastJoin Now to Follow

These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.

By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada

MarriageToday with Jimmy &amp; Karen Evans Audio Podcast

MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen Evans Audio Podcast Join Now to Follow

MarriageToday with Jimmy &amp; Karen is co-hosted by best-selling author and speaker, Jimmy Evans and his wife Karen. Jimmy is author of the books Marriage on the Rock, The Right One and Strengths Based Marriage. MarriageToday with Jimmy &amp; Karen is a daily program that provides hope and help for marriage and family relationships.

By MarriageToday