Buddhism Podcasts

Spring 2012 Shamatha Retreat show

Spring 2012 Shamatha RetreatJoin Now to Follow

Spring 2012 shamatha retreat audio teachings with Alan Wallace. Live from the Thanyapura Mind Centre in Phuket, Thailand.

By Thanyapura Mind Centre

Sobre Budismo show

Sobre BudismoJoin Now to Follow

Sabedoria budista para o cotidiano.

By Leonardo Ota

Tara Brach show

Tara BrachJoin Now to Follow

Tara Brach is a leading western teacher of Buddhist (mindfulness) meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She is author of Radical Acceptance (2003), and True Refuge (2013). Senior teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington D.C. (IMCW), Tara shares a weekly talk on Buddhist teachings and practices. Each evening, she guides her listeners through a mindfulness guided meditation (also known as Vipassana or Insight) and then speaks for about 50 minutes. This podcast includes her recent talks that cover key themes in Buddhist teachings. Information on how to meditate, free audio and video teachings, guided meditations, Tara's teaching schedule, and much more is available at http://www.tarabrach.com and http://www.imcw.org. Please donate at http://imcw.org/Giving.aspx or http://www.tarabrach.com/donate.html to support continuing this podcast. Your generosity makes a difference!

By Tara Brach

Fall 2013 Shamatha and the Bodhisattva Way of Life show

Fall 2013 Shamatha and the Bodhisattva Way of LifeJoin Now to Follow

Alan Wallace Fall 2013 8-Week retreat on Shamatha and the Bodhisattva Way of Life, including teachings on the Seven-Point Mind-Training and A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, by B. Alan Wallace at the Thanyapura Mind Centre in Phuket, Thailand, from September 2nd- October 28th, 2013

By B. Alan Wallace

Yokoji Zen Dharma Talks show

Yokoji Zen Dharma TalksJoin Now to Follow

Monthly Dharma talks by Tenshin Fletcher Roshi at Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center. Yokoji is a year-round Zen Buddhist Training Center in the Southern Californian mountains.

By Tenshin Fletcher Roshi

chicken pop pod show

chicken pop podJoin Now to Follow

Electronic music delivered hot and fresh as its made. All-original drum 'n' bass, techno, groove, ambient, and what-not.

By cpp network

Vox Tablet show

Vox TabletJoin Now to Follow

This is Vox Tablet, the weekly podcast of Tablet Magazine, the online Jewish arts and culture magazine that used to be known as Nextbook.org. Our archive of podcasts is available on our site, tablet2015.wpengine.com. Vox Tablet, hosted by Sara Ivry, varies widely in subject matter and sound -- one week it's a conversation with novelist Michael Chabon, theater critic Alisa Solomon, or anthropologist Ruth Behar. Another week brings the listener to "the etrog man" hocking his wares at a fruit-juice stand in a Jersualem market. Or into the hotel room with poet and rock musician David Berman an hour before he and his band, Silver Jews, head over to their next gig. Recent guests include Alex Ross, Shalom Auslander, Aline K. Crumb, Howard Jacobson, and the late Norman Mailer.

By Vox Tablet

A Buddhist Podcast show

A Buddhist PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A Buddhist Podcast. Lectures, News, Question & Answer sessions about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and the Soka Gakkai. A podcast for kosen-rufu!

By Jason Jarrett

Dharmaseed.org: dharma talks and meditation instruction show

Dharmaseed.org: dharma talks and meditation instructionJoin Now to Follow

Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers offering the vipassana (insight) and metta (lovingkindness) practices of Theravada Buddhism. New recordings are being added continuously from contemporary dharma teachers.

By dharmaseed.org

Elephant Journal: Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis show

Elephant Journal: Walk the Talk Show with Waylon LewisJoin Now to Follow

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis about walking our talk—every day, in every moment. It ain’t about being perfect. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, talks about everyday Buddhism, meditation, eco-actions large and small, and features conversations with leading mindful thought leaders, both famous and overlooked.

By Waylon H. Lewis