Spirituality Podcasts


COSMIC TAKES™️Join Now to Follow

Tess is a queer self help astrologer who engages astrology in a mindful and not "overly" complicated way. They engage in viewer questions, astrological concepts, and weekly horoscopes. Each episode, Tess gives their hot take™️ on the latest topics penetrating spiritualism, astrology, and everyday life. Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cosmictakes/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cosmictakes/support</a>

By astrogrlz

Wisdom Podcast show

Wisdom PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The Wisdom Podcast is a weekly internet broadcast offering practical wisdom for everyday life. Drawing on wisdom sources both ancient and modern, Eastern and Western, scientific and spiritual, learn how you can live a meaningful life of wisdom, happiness, compassion, and fulfillment.

By Dr. Jay N. Forrest

My Podcast Site show

My Podcast SiteJoin Now to Follow

Join our healing, meditation and spiritual podcasts as your spiritual life coach takes you on a healing journey to the God within

By spirituallifecoach

Zencast show

ZencastJoin Now to Follow

Zencast is a weekly podcast of inspiring Buddhist Dharma talks for all people. Keywords: Zen, Buddhism, Buddhist, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Mindfulness, Meditation, Wisdom, Love, Peace, Stillness,Compassion.

By Zencast.org

God In All Things show

God In All ThingsJoin Now to Follow

This podcast hopes to find God in all things, mulling over questions about God from an Ignatian perspective, reflecting on scripture, and being attentive to how God permeates the moments of our exciting and mundane life. For more, visit GodInAllThings.com.

By Andy Otto

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Insight for Living Canada Daily BroadcastJoin Now to Follow

In his down-to-earth and often humorous style, pastor Chuck Swindoll sheds practical light on the Bible to help you understand and apply God's Word in your everyday life.

By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada

Affirmative Prayer show

Affirmative PrayerJoin Now to Follow

Activating the Power of YES means putting our hearts, minds, and voices behind the highest and best intentions of what we want-for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities. Whatever we think, say, or do becomes a prayer to the universe, so learn to use this power wisely! Join Rev. Beverly Molander for Affirmative Prayer: Activating the Power of YES as she chats with a wide variety of well-known and respected guests from around the world to find out how they activated their own Power of YES-in relationships, health, prosperity, creative self-expression, or with organizations that make a positive impact. Instead of saying, "No, I don't want that," you'll be saying, "Yes, yes, yes, that's the kind of life and world I want!" Beverly or a guest says an affirmative prayer in the last show segment so you can learn how to use this valuable tool in your own life. "Like" Affirmative Prayer: Activating the Power of YES on Facebook and join the discussion! The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity.

By Unity.fm

Whence Came You? show

Whence Came You?Join Now to Follow

Freemasonry for today.

By Robert H. Johnson

WEB8: Weaving Our Reality show

WEB8: Weaving Our RealityJoin Now to Follow

WEB8 holds conversations that weave inner and outer technology as a vehicle for your soul’s expression in the world. We explore entrepreneurship, creativity and ritual in the digital age. Welcome to the space where you weave a new world of soul led self expression, in a world of infinite possibility. May the frequencies you tap into on this podcast remind you that you are the weaver of your own reality, expressing soul through your humanity. May you be moved into peace, truth, joy, playfulness and inner knowing. May you have the courage to invite in synchronicity as an expression of God, and miracles as a natural side effect of being alive. Synchronicity brought you here because you're ready, and deep inside your soul knows why. I am your host Ksenia Brief and my intention is to activate ripples of courage for you to share your own voice and medicine with the world. I’m here to hold space of curiosity, play and unwavering trust as we dive between the physical, the digital and the unseen realms. I invite you to listen to the whispers. Releasing enoughness, receiving aliveness. With every breath, every thought and every word, creating a new world. A world where you are free to share your unique medicine. A world where we tell a new story of creating, connecting and sharing. A world where you show up from the truth of who you really are. Get all episodes and show notes on http://kseniabrief.com/podcast

By Ksenia Brief

Vedanta and Yoga show

Vedanta and YogaJoin Now to Follow

Lectures on Yoga and Vedanta given at the Boston Vedanta Society. Vedanta is one of the world's most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions. According to Vedanta, God is infinite existence, infinite consciousness, and infinite bliss. The term for this impersonal, transcendent reality is Brahman, the divine ground of being. Yet Vedanta also maintains that God can be personal as well, assuming human form in every age. Vedanta further asserts that the goal of human life is to realize and manifest our divinity. Not only is this possible, it is inevitable. Our real nature is divine; God-realization is our birthright. Finally, Vedanta affirms that all religions teach the same basic truths about God, the world, and our relationship to one another.

By Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Boston