Christian Podcasts

Lugnås Pingstförsamlings inspelningar show

Lugnås Pingstförsamlings inspelningarJoin Now to Follow

Lugnås Pingstförsamling, Lugnås, Mariestad, Sweden. Podcasts sermons and other sound clips from events and occasions. Welcome as a visitor at our web site, and also welcome to participate in our congregation remotely or in our church. Have a look at our pictures and our schedule, at our web site

Glory to Thee show

Glory to TheeJoin Now to Follow

Dr. Stephen Kouri teaches Byzantine chant in a workshop format.

By Dr. Stephen Kouri and Ancient Faith Radio

The Story of Liberty radio broadcast show

The Story of Liberty radio broadcastJoin Now to Follow

We believe the story of our God given rights is the great misssing link to restore our nation again. The great story of Liberty reaches it's crescendo in America with the Mayflower Compact and the landing of the Pilgrim fathers almost 400 years ago. But the great story began in Nazareth when the author of liberty, Jesus gave His first sermon to his home synagogue. The story is detailed in Luke chapter 4. He opened the scroll to Isaiah 61 and read the Messianic prophecy of the purpose of the Messiahs coming. He detailed that he came to heal the broken hearted , the blind, and to preach the Gospel to the poor. But when He came to the subject of Liberty he said he came to set the captives free, and then He repeated it a second time saying he came to set those that were in bondage free. When He finished reading the passage Jesus sat down and told the men that this prophecy had been fullfiled in their midst. The liberation of the world began that day. Jesus read through His loving message of redemption, the power and principals that would bring the golden thread of liberty to the nations. From here we see the clear paper trail of liberty from the blood bought freedom documents that emulated from the Magna Carta, English Bill of rights, Mayflower compact, to our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Political, economic and religious liberty have never been realized until the Pilgrim fathers applied the principals of the Bible fully to civil law. We can restore freedom and prosperity in our nation, only if we voluntary return to those "eternal principals of right", those laws given at Mount Sinai and hold our representatives accountable to limit their jurisdiction to the protection of our God given rights, not the limitation or interpretation of them.

By John Bona "The Story of Liberty"

Hope Street show

Hope StreetJoin Now to Follow

This inspirational, 15 minute, weekly radio program is for those searching for purpose and meaning in life.````

By pop3

Resources for Christians show

Resources for ChristiansJoin Now to Follow

The official podcasts from

By John Peeler

Watering the Branch show

Watering the BranchJoin Now to Follow

Perspectives on evangelism and Orthodoxy in North America.

By Fr. Eric Tosi and Ancient Faith Radio Classics Podcast show Classics PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: Revival. Concepts such as Holiness, Purity, Christ-Likeness, Self-Denial and Discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity


The Heights Fellowship show

The Heights FellowshipJoin Now to Follow

Announcements, news and weekly sermons from The Heights Fellowship church in Lubbock, Texas. Pastor Mike Martindale.

By Mike Martindale

Common Sense Faith show

Common Sense FaithJoin Now to Follow

Real Questions. Real Answers. The Word of God for real life situations and how to apply God's principles to make your life more effective and enjoyable. Common Sense in an uncommon time.

By brandon.cannon

ExGay Talk show

ExGay TalkJoin Now to Follow

It has become quite fashionable to dis people who don't think homosexuality is cool and natural and God-given. There is no convincing you if you fall into that category, most likely. But if you are looking for an answer to your questions about change, I will try and help. I've got a whole closet full of T-shirts, and none of them says "How dare you presume I'm heterosexual" or "SUPERQUEER"!!!

By Duncan Bouwer