Science And Medicine Podcasts

Blindspot: An Introduction to Forensic Science and Expert Witness Testimony show

Blindspot: An Introduction to Forensic Science and Expert Witness TestimonyJoin Now to Follow

My forensic philosophy is that authentication and clarification of audio/video media combines art as well as science. The methods that I use require attention to detail and scientific principles, complemented by an appreciation for clarity and aesthetics. My techniques are derived from both a formal education and the application of skills gained by working in many forensics situations.

By Ed Primeau

Scott Sigler Audiobooks show

Scott Sigler AudiobooksJoin Now to Follow

New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler gives away all of his stories as free, serialized audiobooks. Described as "Stephen King meets Michael Crichton meets Chuck Palahniuk," Scott's stories of hard-science horror will have you tapping a vein as you Jones for next week's fix. Subscribe to hear major-release hardcover novels read by the author, as well as short fiction and the "FridayFix," a random piece of weekly nonsense. For more info on the author, visit

By Scott Sigler

Podcast for audio and video - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory show

Podcast for audio and video - NASA's Jet Propulsion LaboratoryJoin Now to Follow

Video and audio podcasts from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory feature the latest news on space and science findings from JPL and NASA. Topics include discoveries made by spacecraft studying planets in our solar system, including Mars, Saturn and our home planet, Earth. Missions also study stars and galaxies in our universe. Other topics cover tips for amateur astronomers and updates from the Mars Rover and Cassini missions.

By Video and audio podcasts

Cultivating Place show

Cultivating PlaceJoin Now to Follow

Gardens are more than collections of plants. Gardens and Gardeners are intersectional spaces and agents for positive change in our world. Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden is a weekly public radio program & podcast exploring what we mean when we garden. Through thoughtful conversations with growers, gardeners, naturalists, scientists, artists and thinkers, Cultivating Place illustrates the many ways in which gardens are integral to our natural and cultural literacy. These conversations celebrate how these interconnections support the places we cultivate, how they nourish our bodies, and feed our spirits. They change the world, for the better. Take a listen.

By Jennifer Jewell / Cultivating Place

Greyscale show

GreyscaleJoin Now to Follow

<p>Greyscale takes a look at the not-so-clear areas of medicine by sharing physicians' own difficult encounters. These stories will showcase what can often be forgotten - the humanity behind the physician. </p> <p>Produced by Ben Davis - Program Director at Swedish First Hill Family Medicine Residency.</p>

By Ben Davis

Theatre of the Mind with Kelly Howell show

Theatre of the Mind with Kelly HowellJoin Now to Follow

Expand your knowledge of the body-mind connection and learn how to tap into the other 90% of your unused potential.

By Kelly Howell

My Three Shrinks show

My Three ShrinksJoin Now to Follow

Three psychiatrists (with private practice, forensic, and consultation-liaison perspectives) from the Shrink Rap blog -- Dinah, Clinkshrink and Roy -- talk about topics related to psychiatry, mental illness, neurology &amp; brain disease, while trying not to make it too boring. The blog and podcast are aimed at a psychiatrist audience, but are often interesting to a lay audience or other health professionals. Common topics are psychotherapy, depression &amp; bipolar disorder, anxiety, antidepressants and other psychiatric medications or drugs, forensics, psychology, and patient rights. We also discuss fellow health care bloggers' recent posts.

By Shrink Rap

Raising Good Parents show

Raising Good ParentsJoin Now to Follow

Raising Good Parents is the place to hear the questions, struggles, and victories of real parents in the trenches. Dr Phil Boucher is a husband, father, and pediatrician in private practice in Lincoln, Nebraska. His practice is focused on empowering parents to be present, confident, and productive - to worry less and enjoy parenthood even more. If you're overtired, stressed out, guilt-ridden - this is the place to regain your sanity, get the reassurance you need, the sleep you need, and feel confident as a parent.

By Dr. Phil Boucher

The Eco Well podcast show

The Eco Well podcastJoin Now to Follow

In this show, Jen Novakovich, Canadian cosmetic chemist from The Eco Well, interviews international cosmetic scientists and industry leaders to bring you a fresh new conversation a week about all things beauty!

By Jen@theecowell

World Health Organization Podcast show

World Health Organization PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The WHO Podcast brings to you the latest news about and developments in public health.

By World Health Organization, Department of Communications