Personal Journals Podcasts

The Bubble Lounge show

The Bubble LoungeJoin Now to Follow

<p>The Bubble Lounge Podcast is the only weekly podcast show for women living in Highland Park and University Park Texas. With over 250 episodes and 145,000 listeners, we are the go-to source for all things in the neighborhood. <br><br>The Bubble Lounge podcast is a refreshing and dynamic podcast designed for women living in the Highland Park area of Texas. The podcast provides a platform for women to connect with each other, share experiences, and discuss topics that are important to them.<br><br>Hosted by Martha Jackson and Nellie Sciutto, the Bubble Lounge Podcast is a weekly show that covers a wide range of topics, from philanthropy, beauty, and fashion to health and wellness, relationships, and also current events.<br><br>The podcast is unique in that it provides a local focus, catering specifically to the women of Highland Park, Texas. The hosts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the show, with Jackson being a marketing and public relations expert and Sciutto having a background in acting and writing. <br><br>One of the things that sets the Bubble Lounge podcast apart is its engaging and conversational tone. The hosts are open and relatable, and they encourage their listeners to participate in the conversation. They often bring in guests who offer their own unique perspectives and insights, which helps to broaden the scope of the show and provide a more well-rounded discussion.<br><br>The Bubble Lounge Podcast is also a great resource for women who are looking to connect with others in the Highland Park community. The show often highlights local businesses and events, which can be a great way for listeners to get involved and support the community.<br><br>The Bubble Lounge is a podcast that is both informative and enjoyable. It provides a space for women to come together, share their stories, and learn from each other. If you're a woman living in Highland Park, Texas, or just interested in the topics covered by the podcast, the Bubble Lounge is definitely worth checking out.<br><br>For more information and sponsorship inquiries for The Bubble Lounge Podcast, visit</p>

By Martha Jackson &amp; Nellie Sciutto

Ша Радио show

Ша РадиоJoin Now to Follow

Ша Радио - это экстремально откровенные беседы о нестандартных отношениях и нескучной сексуальности. Для нас не существует табу или тем, о которых мы стесняемся говорить. В выпусках Ша Радио мы делимся своими переживаниями, фантазиями, экспериментами, удачами и ошибками. С удовольствием общаемся со слушателями и зрителями. Отвечаем на вопросы. Наша основная база — Израиль, город Модиин. Мы женаты. У нас трое детей. Карьеры и масса разнообразных интересов и занятий. Порой (часто) выпуски могут затрагивать НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ темы. Возможно, вы не захотите слушать это с детьми или на рабочем месте... Нам можно и нужно: а. предлагать темы для передач, б. предлагаться в качестве гостей и звать нас в гости. ​ Выпуски, под правами Creative Commons, включая музыкальное сопровождение. Это значит, что мы разрешаем распространение нашей болтовни со ссылкой на Ша Радио и используем аудио и видео материалы со схожими правами. Более того, будем рады если вы поделитесь с друзьями и любовниками ссылкой на Ша Радио и советом послушать наши выпуски. Наш веб-сайт: Телеграм-канал: ВКонтакте: Инстаграм:

By Хозяйка и Боря Ша

The Blather show

The BlatherJoin Now to Follow

Politics, satire and blather with a bit of music sometimes.


ABG - AsianBossGirl show

ABG - AsianBossGirlJoin Now to Follow

A podcast for the modern day Asian American woman hosted by Melody Cheng, Helen Wu, and Janet Wang. We started this podcast as an outlet for topics we are interested in, and for sharing stories we have as 20-30 something yr. old Asian American women working, dating, and living in Los Angeles. It's no secret that Asian women are lacking in almost all media outlets. As three women working in finance, tech, and production who balance careers, life aspirations, and eventful social lives (we have our fair share of 5am returns from the club), we hope our perspectives can help, inform, and entertain those girls (and guys) with similar backgrounds or an interest in our backgrounds. We like to think of this as our invitation for you to join our once private girl talk sessions! So grab a glass of wine and let's get this show started ;)

By Melody Cheng, Helen Wu, and Janet Wang

The Shallow Gene Pool; Examining examples of the shallow end of the human gene pool show

The Shallow Gene Pool; Examining examples of the shallow end of the human gene poolJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to the Shallow Gene Pool where we take a look at the support, development and examples of the shallow end of the human gene pool. We will also delve into skeptical and rational thought regarding politics, science and emerging technologies that impact our society and world.

Mixed Chicks Chat show

Mixed Chicks ChatJoin Now to Follow

Mixed Chicks Chat is a live, weekly podcast about being racially and culturally Mixed. Hosts Heidi Durrow and Fanshen Cox tackle everything from whether Mixed people should/can use the 'N' word, hair tips, political agendas and relationships, all from a Mixed race perspective. You can call in on Wednesdays and join the discussion live, or send them an e-mail or blog comment and participate in the discussion.

By Mixed Chicks Chat

Box of Frogs show

Box of FrogsJoin Now to Follow

Here on my Frogcasts, I chat to some really great people about their life stories, musical interests, passions and inspirations, as I develop a new career as a House Music DJ. If you want to know more, watch as my story unfolds @white_where_its_at on Instagram.

By Fiona White

Career Relaunch® show

Career Relaunch®Join Now to Follow

The Career Relaunch® podcast helps you navigate the dynamics and emotions of a major career transition. Hosted by career change consultant and keynote speaker Joseph Liu, each episode features candid, honest interviews with professionals around the world who have changed career paths to find more fulfilling and meaningful work. Their stories of reinvention can provide you with inspiration, companionship, and reassurance as you relaunch your own career. Check out episode show notes, access free career change resources, or join our global community of listeners in 170+ countries at

By Joseph Liu

Blanket Fort Mysteries (In Sight Jr) show

Blanket Fort Mysteries (In Sight Jr)Join Now to Follow

Join our hosts as they explore mysteries, myths, and legends designed for all ages.

By Basement Fort Productions

The Luke and Pete Show show

The Luke and Pete ShowJoin Now to Follow

<p>Join Luke Moore and Pete Donaldson for an unplanned half hour every Monday and Thursday as they pull on the threads of the universe and revel in the discovery of where each one takes them. From ancient history and modern phenomena to the week's events and everything in between, The Luke and Pete Show is your chance to share in the fun of two men with time on their hands and a good idea of how to waste it.</p>

By Stak