Management And Marketing Podcasts

The Perfect RIA show

The Perfect RIAJoin Now to Follow

The Perfect RIA (TPR) is a financial advisor practice that delivers massive value to clients, operates with hyper effectiveness, and enjoys a life of passion. More specifically, TPRs deliver value allowing them to charge above average fees, have systems that deliver a return on time north of $1,000 an hour, and balances this with spending multiple months each year living a life of passion. This is not theory, but rather systems that have been proven again and again to create The Perfect RIA.

By Matthew Jarvis & Micah Shilanski, Finance Rockstars

Ken McArthur's The Impact Factor Podcast show

Ken McArthur's The Impact Factor PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Ken McArthur, best-selling author of “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World,” has enabled thousands of people to achieve amazing impact by championing the philosophy that partnerships and collaboration build value for everyone.<br> <br> Ken challenges us to realize we ALL have an impact – whether we want to or not – on thousands of people who we touch in our day-to-day lives by demonstrating that simple things make a HUGE difference.<br> <br> Selected by Fast Company as one of the 20 Most Influential People Online, Ken's powerful call to action, “The Impact Manifesto: You Make A Difference Whether You Want To Or Not” was selected for publication by Seth Godin’s brainchild “Change This” which places his manifesto in the company of manifestos written by Seth Godin, Hugh MacLeod, Guy Kawasaki, Chris Anderson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Tom Peters, Malcolm Gladwell and Robert Scoble.<br> <br> The popular host of a series of live events that bring together top-level marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and non-profit organizations to create multi-million dollar joint venture relationships – he creates incredible, intense impact for product launches and multi-million dollar profits in surprisingly short timeframes.<br> <br> Regularly asked to speak at leading marketing events, he has managed product launches ranked in the top 400 sites on the Internet. Ken McArthur is also the creator of, a pioneering affiliate program search engine and directory system and the founder of the MBS Internet Research Center, which conducted the world’s largest survey ever attempted on the subject of creating and launching successful information products.<br> <br> Not satisfied to concentrate entirely on large organizations, Ken also works with select individuals to help them create a decent living utilizing the power of the Internet.<br> <br> Ken was the official mentor for Sterling Valentine as he took his launch from ZERO to over $100,000 in less than 8 days. Ken and Sterling documented the process as a “proof of concept” for Info Product Blueprint a massive home study course that is the “bible” of info product creation.<br> <br> Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs designed to help individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations reach masses of people using the techniques, tactics strategies and systems that he has developed specifically to help people spread their ideas, products and services around the globe.<br>

By Ken McArthur

The Webb Chatham Report show

The Webb Chatham ReportJoin Now to Follow

Tech, advertising, books, music, television, writing, parenting, health and the occasional interview.

By Rick Webb

The Winner's Sales Strategy Blog show

The Winner's Sales Strategy BlogJoin Now to Follow

New York Times bestselling author Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr. explains all the reasons why cold calling is dead in today's economy ... and how you can achieve sales greatness without ever cold calling again! Frank is the author of the #1 bestseller "Never Cold Call Again: Achieve Sales Greatness Without Cold Calling."

By Frank Rumbauskas

The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Dietrich show

The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini DietrichJoin Now to Follow

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

By Gini Dietrich, Founder of Spin Sucks

Outlier On Air | Founders, Disruptors, &amp; Mavens show

Outlier On Air | Founders, Disruptors, & MavensJoin Now to Follow

Are you an Outlier? Join Ever Gonzalez as he sits down with founders, disruptors and mavens who are breaking the status quo and changing the world! Listen in as these entreprenerial leaders share a behind-the-scenes view of their personal journey to success. Be part of a one-on-one mentoring session where we discuss specific business strategies.

By Ever Gonzalez

Intro to IP Podcast Container show

Intro to IP Podcast ContainerJoin Now to Follow

Contains podcasts for the Introduction to Intellectual Property Course at the University of Hawaii

By Peter Kay

The Laptop Lifestyle with Alexis Teichmiller show

The Laptop Lifestyle with Alexis TeichmillerJoin Now to Follow

The Laptop Lifestyle is for virtual entrepreneurs, millennials on the go, and adventure seekers with big dreams. It was created by lifestyle blogger and digital creative, Alexis Teichmiller, with the intention to educate, inspire, and challenge you to live the life you've always wanted. A life where you set your own hours and earn a living online. Tune in weekly as Alexis discusses the peaks and valleys of The Laptop Lifestyle with fellow entrepreneurs like Sunny Lenarduzzi, Julie Solomon, Nathan Barry, and more!

By Alexis Teichmiller

Together London Podcast show

Together London PodcastJoin Now to Follow

In the Together London Podcast, Jonathan Kahn talks to digital professionals about how they deal with change in their work.

By Jonathan Kahn

The Inner Tube: Answering Your Content Creation Questions! show

The Inner Tube: Answering Your Content Creation Questions!Join Now to Follow

Interested in creating content for the internet, but not sure where to start? Whether you have questions regarding video, audio, blogging, or beyond, Josh Taylor and Kevin McCreary will answer your questions about content creation, how to get started, and how to thrive.

By Josh Taylor &amp; Kevin McCreary