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Librivox: Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas by Appleton, Victor show

Librivox: Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas by Appleton, VictorJoin Now to Follow

Tom Swift is an inventor, and these are his adventures. The locale is the little town of Shopton in upstate New York, near Lake Carlopa. While some of Tom's inventions are not well-founded in a scientific sense, others elaborated developments in the news and in popular magazines aimed at young science and invention enthusiasts. Presenting themselves as a forecast of future possibilities, they now and then hit close to the mark. Some predicted inventions that came true include "photo telephones", vertical takeoff aircraft, aerial warships, giant cannons, and "wizard" cameras. However some other devices, such as magnetic silencers for motors, have not appeared yet. -adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline

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Librivox: Leavenworth Case, The by Green, Anna Katharine show

Librivox: Leavenworth Case, The by Green, Anna KatharineJoin Now to Follow

Anna Katharine Green was one of the first female mystery writers to publish under her own name. She was never very successful as an author, but the technical excellence of her books caused several law schools to use The Leavenworth Case as a textbook in some of their classes, as an example of how misleading circumstantial evidence can be.

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Librivox: Arthurian Miscellany, An by Various show

Librivox: Arthurian Miscellany, An by VariousJoin Now to Follow

A collection of works that explore the rich and evocative legend of King Arthur. The exploits of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table have been a staple of British literature through the centuries, drawing together themes of pagan wizardry, the search for the Holy Grail, chivalry and of course romance.

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Librivox: Rewards and Fairies by Kipling, Rudyard show

Librivox: Rewards and Fairies by Kipling, RudyardJoin Now to Follow

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (December 30, 1865 – January 18, 1936) was an English author and poet, born in India, and best known today for his children’s books, including The Jungle Book , Just So Stories , and Puck of Pook’s Hill ; his novel, Kim ; his poems, including “Mandalay”, “Gunga Din”, and “If—”; and his many short stories, including “The Man Who Would Be King” and the collections Life’s Handicap , The Day’s Work , and Plain Tales from the Hills . He is regarded as a major “innovator in the art of the short story”; his children’s books are enduring classics of children’s literature; and his best work speaks to a versatile and luminous narrative gift. Dan and Una met Puck last summer, in Puck of Pook’s Hill . This summer, they meet him again - and several individuals from different periods in history, who, while generally not famous themselves, tell their tales of meeting Queen Elizabeth, Francis Drake, George Washington, and other well-known historical figures. Sadly, Dan and Una forget these encounters as soon as they are over, but the reader can enjoy them for years to come! (Summary by Wikipedia and Catharine Eastman)

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Librivox: Favole di Jean de La Fontaine: Libro 01 by La Fontaine, Jean de show

Librivox: Favole di Jean de La Fontaine: Libro 01 by La Fontaine, Jean deJoin Now to Follow

Nei 12 volumi delle "Favole" (1669 - 1693) Jean de La Fontaine rinnovò la tradizione esopica, rappresentando la commedia umana. Quest'opera dimostrò il suo amore per la vita rurale e attraverso animali simbolici ironizzò sulla vita della società dell'epoca. In the 12 volumes/books of "Favole" (1669 - 1693) Jean de La Fontaine renewed Aesop's tradition, representing the human comedy. This demonstrated his love for country life and by symbolic animals he ironized about his current years society's life. (Summary by Paolo Fedi)

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Librivox: Liaisons dangereuses, Les by Laclos, Choderlos de show

Librivox: Liaisons dangereuses, Les by Laclos, Choderlos deJoin Now to Follow

D'amants qu'ils étaient, le Vicomte de Valmont et la Marquise de Merteuil sont restés complices dans leurs projets de liaisons et confidents dans leur correspondance, chacun préservant sa réputation aux yeux du monde : d'homme irrésistible pour l'un, de femme respectable pour l'autre. Ils ont, cette fois-ci, jeté leur dévolu sur la Présidente de Tourvel, jeune femme vertueuse et dévote dont l'époux demeure au loin et Cécile Volanges, adolescente à peine sortie du couvent, promise au Comte de Gercourt, dont s'éprend le Chevalier Danceny. Si, à force de manipulations, leurs projets aboutissent, la première fera la gloire de son vainqueur, la seconde, le déshonneur de son mari lorsque la chose sera rendue publique. Suivons donc le courrier de ces protagonistes, de leurs parents, de leurs amis. Pourrons-nous « ne pas frémir en songeant au malheur que peut causer une seule liaison dangereuse » ?

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Librivox: Big Bow Mystery, The by Zangwill, Israel show

Librivox: Big Bow Mystery, The by Zangwill, IsraelJoin Now to Follow

It's a cold and foggy night in London. A man is horribly murdered in his bedroom, the door locked and bolted on the inside. Scotland Yard is stumped. Yet the seemingly unsolvable case has, as Inspector Grodman says, "one sublimely simple solution" that is revealed in a final chapter full of revelations and a shocking denouement. Detective fiction afficionados will be happy to learn that all the evidence to solve the case is provided. One of the earliest “locked room” mystery stories, The Big Bow Mystery is also a satire of late Victorian society. (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)

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Librivox: Star Hunter by Norton, Andre show

Librivox: Star Hunter by Norton, AndreJoin Now to Follow

"Somewheres on the jungle world of Jumala, there was a man in hiding—a man whose mind had been reconditioned with another's brain pattern and for whom there was a fabulous reward. Star Hunter is a thrill-packed account of that other-worldly game of hide-and-seek between a man who did not know all his own powers and an interstellar safari that sought something no man had a right to find...." (summary from gutenberg etext)

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Librivox: Natural History of Selborne, The by White, Gilbert show

Librivox: Natural History of Selborne, The by White, GilbertJoin Now to Follow

The Reverend Gilbert White was the curate of the village of Selborne, a village in Hampshire, from 1784 to his death in 1793, living most of his life in the village. The book is in the form of a collection of letters to two friends, discussing the natural history of the areas that he knew, and natural history in general. White's intense curiosity and his love for the world about him flow through his simple, straightforward style, and a gentle sense of humour colours many of his anecdotes. (Summary by Peter)

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