Podcasts Recently Shared by Digital Podcast Users

 The Stepover: A Sixers Podcast : Episode 67: Our Best/Worst Episode Yet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:01

Max and Jim talk summer league, the chances of Sam Hinkie returning to Philly, and whether or not The Goonies was a garbage movie. Intro Song: The Goonies 'R' Good Enough by Cyndi Lauper

 SBJ Morning Buzzcast : SBJ Morning Buzzcast: November 16, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:54

NYCFC has stadium plans in Queens, Warner Bros. Discovery Sports lays off 10% of its staff and the NFL has a new highest-rated game for this season.

 First Assembly NLR Video Po... : The Fruit of the Spirit Pt. 2 - Joy | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 32:28

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt. 2 - Joy

 ToxieGivens.com : Turkey Thumpers: Webisode 11 - Chuck's Kansas Gobbler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:02

So we all got our grand slam in one year except Chuck. In this webisode, he heads to Kansas to try to close his slam. Watch this video to see if he is successful.

 Bringing Disneyland Home : BDH #54 - ElecTRONica | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 00:23:44

BDH #54 - ElecTRONica

 Indiepop Radio Podcast : Indiepop Radio Podcast No 14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is Indiepop Radio Podcast No. 14. For more information visit www.indiepopradio.co.uk/ or email dan@indiepopradio.co.uk. To subscribe, visit feeds.feedburner.com/IndiepopRadioPodcast. This week's songs are: 1) Swedish Polarbears - Rewinder (www.swedishpolarbears.com); 2) Andreas Fock Experiencing Mars - I'll Think of You When I'm Next to Her (www.myspace.com/andreasfock); 3) Shirley Lee - Spiralina Girl (www.shirleylee.co.uk); 4) Luke Jackson - Come Tomorrow (www.myspace.com/luke_jackson); 5) My Raining Stars - Riding for a Fall (www.myspace.com/myrainingstars); 6) The City and Horses - Little Finland (www.myspace.com/thecityandhorses); 7) The Fake Fictions - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (www.thefakefictions.com); 8) Ports of Call - Hermissenda (www.myspace.com/portsofcallpa). NB: all songs have been used with the permission of the bands and/or record labels.

 Revenge of the 80s Radio – ... : Our 5/20 show podcast is up - Revenge of the 80s Radio – Hour 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:47

The podcast for our 5/20/11 Revenge of the 80s Radio show is up and available at the bottom of this post. This week, we play a music block featuring The Little Girls (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Little-Girls/51487394136), including a track from Caron Maso Murray (http://www.myspace.com/caronmurray)'s CM3P album (1991). We will also have new music from Josie Cotton (http://astore.amazon.com/reveofthe80sr-20/detail/B0040MGPIU) and Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark (http://www.omd.uk.com/) plus classic cuts by Q Lazzarus, The B-52s, The Hoodoo Gurus, Love and Rockets, Nena, INXS and more.

 The Freedom Lovin Podcast : FL030: Sex 3.0 With JJ Roberts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:39

In this episode of the Freedom Lovin' Podcast, I talk to JJ Roberts of Sex 3.0 about problems with today's sexual relationships and how we can move to a world of mutual understanding between men and women. We discuss: -What is Sex 1.0 and how did things evolve -What's the problem with marriage? -Natural vs. Normal -What is relationship duress and how it can be avoided -What is jealousy, and why it's not natural -The potential of having friends of the opposite sex -Polyamory, monogamy, and sex 3.0 -Groupthink and how it destroys relationships -Moving forward References: JJ's Website: http://sexthreepointzero.com

 GED Test Audio Lessons, Aud... : Audio GED Prep Social Studies Lesson 2 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:29

    http://www.audiogedprep.com Full Course is available at: https://gumroad.com/l/wHvQ For $59.99   Lesson Summary: Audio GED Prep Social Studies Lesson 2 North and South America, Australia The United States and Territories The United States is a relatively new country. Started out as settlements from many countries like Roanoke and Jamestown that eventually developed into the 13 colonies, who were loosely bound together, though they had many differences. The colonies fought a war for independence against Great Britain and won, eventually becoming the United States of America. Gradually, new territories were admitted to the “Union” and the United States grew. For a short while, the United States was split into two countries: the United States of America and the Confederate States of America during the period of the Civil War. At the end of the war, the two countries rejoined. Many believed in the “manifest destiny” of the United States, which meant that the country should expand from one coast to the other. This is the case today, with the country being split into 50 states, with two states, Alaska and Hawaii, being not attached to the other 50. The United States also has control over a variety of territories around the world, including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Island, Guam and American Samoa. There are also U.S. military installations throughout the world, with many in Europe and Asia. The largest river in the United States is the Mississippi, which branches out into many tributaries. There are two main mountain ranges: the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. • Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world land wise after Russia, though most of its population lives close to its border with the United States. About 75 percent of Canadians (out of around 33 million citizens) live within 100 miles of the U.S. borders. It has more coastline than any other country, because it is bordered by the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. Many parts of Canada were settled by French explorers and the influence of French language and culture continues to this day. Other parts of Canada were controlled by Great Britain. Today, both English and French are official languages in Canada. Instead of states, Canada is divided into provinces and territories. There are ten provinces, such as Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, and three territories: The Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. Canada includes many different islands as part of its territory including Prince Edward Island. • Mexico Mexico was the site of many powerful civilizations including the Olmec and the Maya. Spain conquered the region in the 16th century and turned it into a colony, but it achieved its own independence in the 19th century. Today, it is a country that is bordered by the United States in the north and the countries of Central America in the south. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Gulf of Mexico in the east. It includes a long peninsula that is south of the U.S. state of California called “Baja California”. In terms of land area, it is just about three times the size of the state of Texas, though its population is around 120 million. Mexico has 31 different states that are all self governed, and there is a special Federal District that belongs to the entire federa...

 Learn Japanese | JapanesePo... : Audio Blog S2 #10 - Tokyo Fashion Files #4: Crazy About Brands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:06

Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! Don't forget to stop by JapanesePod101.com for more great Japanese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- 東京のファッション事情4・ブランドマニア編 みなさん、こんにちは。 ユリのオーディオブログです。 今日は東京のファッション、「ブランドマニア」についてお話します。日本には、欧米の老舗ブランドに目がない女性たちが大勢います。中でもルイヴィトンの人気は不動の地位を築いています。青山や表参道の大通りでほんの10分散歩をすれば、ルイヴィトンのバッグを手に持つ女性を必ず見ることができるといっても過言ではありません。今や、女子大生や女子高生であっても、ひとつ3万円はするルイヴィトンの財布を持っているのが常識だというので私も驚きます。日本は不景気といわれて久しいですが、まるでそれが嘘のように、高価なブランド品が売れています。エルメス、プラダ、ボッテガヴェネタのバッグ、また、マークジェイコブス、グッチ、ディオールなどの洋服も飛ぶように売れ続けているそうです。 「ブランドマニア」と呼ばれる女性たちの多くは、こうしたいろいろなブランドものを一緒にコーディネートすることが多いのも事実です。ディオールのスーツにプラダのバッグ、シャネルの財布にグッチのアクセサリーというように身につけるものすべてが高級ブランドなのです。これらを身につけることが、一種のステイタスであり、自己表現なのです。私は、自分に似合うものがあれば、何か買ってみようと、お店を覗いたこともありますが、やはりなかなか高額で簡単にはお財布を開けることができませんでした。ウィンドーに飾られた豪華なディスプレーを眺めているだけで十分だったのです。 さて、みなさんの街ではどうでしょうか? 海の向こうにも、やはり「ブランドマニア」はいるのでしょうか? それでは、また。 ----Formal Vowelled---- みなさん、こんにちは。 ユリのオーディオブログです。 きょうはとうきょうのファッション、「ブランドマニア」についておはなしします。にほんには、おうべいのしにせブランドにめがないじょせいたちがおおぜいいます。なかでもルイヴィトンのにんきはふどうのちいをきづいています。あおやまやおもてさんどうのおおどおりでほんの10ぷんさんぽをすれば、ルイヴィトンのバッグをてにもつじょせいをかならずみることができるといってもかごんではありません。いまや、じょしだいせいやじょしこうせいであっても、ひとつ3まんえんはするルイヴィトンのさいふをもっているのがじょうしきだというのでわたしもおどろきます。にほんはふけいきといわれてひさしいですが、まるでそれがうそのように、こうかなブランドひんがうれています。エルメス、プラダ、ボッテガヴェネタのバッグ、また、マークジェイコブス、グッチ、ディオールなどのようふくもとぶようにうれつづけているそうです。 「ブランドマニア」とよばれるじょせいたちのおおくは、こうしたいろいろなブランドものをいっしょにコーディネートすることがおおいのもじじつです。ディオールのスーツにプラダのバッグ、シャネルのさいふにグッチのアクセサリーというようにみにつけるものすべてがこうきゅうブランドなのです。これらをみにつけることが、いっしゅのステイタスであり、じこひょうげんなのです。わたしは、じぶんににあうものがあれば、なにかかってみようと、おみせをのぞいたこともありますが、やはりなかなかこうがくでかんたんにはおさいふをあけることができませんでした。ウィンドーにかざられたごうかなディスプレーをながめているだけでじゅうぶんだったのです。 さて、みなさんのまちではどうでしょうか? うみのむこうにも、やはり「ブランドマニア」はいるのでしょうか? それでは、また。 ----Formal Romanization---- Mina-san, kon'nichiwa. Yuri no ōdio burogu desu. Kyō wa Tōkyō no fasshon,(Burando mania) ni tsuite ohanashi shimasu. Nihon ni wa, ōbei no shinise burando ni me ga nai josei-tachi ga ōzei imasu. Naka de mo ruiviton no ninki wa fudō no chii o kizuite imasu. Aoyama ya omotesandō no ōdōri de hon'no 10-pun sanpo o sureba, ruiviton no baggu o te ni motsu josei o kanarazu miru koto ga dekiru to itte mo kagon de wa arimasen. Ima ya, joshidaisei ya joshikōsei de atte mo, hitotsu 3-man-en wa suru ruiviton no saifu o motte iru no ga jōshiki da to iu node watashi mo odoroki masu. Nihon wa fukeiki to iwarete hisashii desu ga, marude sore ga uso no yō ni kōka na burando-hin ga urete imasu. Erumesu, purada, bottegaveneta no baggu, mata, mākujeikobusu, gucchi, diōru nado no yōfuku mo tobu yō ni ure tsuzukete iru sō desu. (Burando mania) to yobareru josei-tachi no ōku wa, kō shita iroiro na burando mono o issho ni kōdinēto suru koto ga ōi no mo jijitsu desu. Diōru no sūtsu ni purada no baggu, shaneru no saifu ni gucchi no akusesarī to iu yō ni mi ni tsukeru mono subete ga kōkyū burando na no desu. Korera o mi ni tsukeru koto ga, isshu no sutētasu de ari, jiko hyōgen na no desu. Watashi wa, jibun ni niau mono ga areba, nani ka katte miyō to, o-mise o nozoita koto mo arimasu ga, yahari nakanaka kōgaku de kantan ni wa o-saifu o akeru koto ga dekimasendeshita. Uindō ni kazarareta gōka na disupurē o nagamete iru dake de jūbun datta no desu. Sate, mina-san no machi de wa dō deshō ka? Umi no mukō ni mo, yahari (Burando mania) wa iru no deshō ka? Sore dewa, mata. ----Formal English---- Hello everyone, and welcome to Yuri's audio blog. Today we'll be talking about the “brand maniacs” in the world of Tokyo fashion. There are many Japanese women in Japan with an insatiable appetite for established western brand names. Among these, Louis Vuitton products command a rock-solid position of popularity. It would not be an overstatement to say that a mere 10 minute stroll down one of the main roads of Tokyo's Aoyama or Omotesando areas should have you sp [...]

 KGB Radio : Part II of Super Bowl Brew-In | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Episode 3 is now available. Listen to interviews of 2 "Has-Been" KGB Officers, Don Sadja and Jonathon Gouty. Both award winning brewers discuss their techniques on cleaning and santization. Oh, congrats to the Steel City! Please add a comment and be sure you include the style of your first beer you brewed.

 I Do Declare! : Episode 71 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:36

Episode 71

 WGN - The Steve Cochran Pod... : Photos: Steve Cochran Show from Saturday Night Live the Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Photos: Steve Cochran Show from Saturday Night Live the Experience

 Aussie Hoopla NBL & NBA... : Cairns Alex Loughton gives his thoughts on the new Taipans roster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:37

Cairns Alex Loughton gives his thoughts on the new Taipans roster

 Just Shoot It : Hollywood Stunt Photography and Commercial Directing w Greg Baldi - Just Shoot It 146 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:42

Greg Baldi sits down with Matt and Oren to discuss balancing a career as a second-unit DP on action films with commercial directing. He's shot on tons of Hollywood movies (Avengers, Jurassic World, The Dark Knight Rises, Drive) and also specializes in directing car commercials. Get the down low on how he's managed to do it all.  You can learn more about Greg at www.gregbaldi.com.   Unpaid Endorsements: Greg - Lust For Life book by Irving Stone  Oren - If you sign up for a Shutterstock Premiere Account you can download non-watermarked HD and 4K full resolution comps. Matt - MacGruber movie Special Recs: Light The Fuse podcast, a Mission Impossible themed show. Christopher McQuarrie was recently a guest. Contribute to the Just Shoot It Patreon and help support the show: www.patreon.com/JustShootItPodAsalways, follow @MrMattEnlow (www.twitter.com/MrMattEnlow) and Oren @SmiteyPieLeg(www.twitter.com/SmiteyPieLeg) on twitter. For more episodes visit www.JustShootitPodcast.comShow your support: rate and review us on iTunes. apple.co/2fl9ojySee who are guests are a week early on our instagram@JustshootItPod(www.instagram.com/justshootitpod/) Send feedback to @justshootitpod or justshootitpod@gmail.com or Call us at (262) 6-SHOOT-1, and we’ll air your voicemail on the show! Music was provided by the free music archive and by Jahzzar. Just Shoot It is a podcast about directing, filmmaking and storytelling. Each week we interview your directors, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, and actors, and learn how they became successful, working content creators. We’re all about getting off your butt and making your own videos. We’ll share tips and stories of how people in the entertainment industry forced their ways into sustainable careers. Matt Enlow is a director working in comedy. His website is mrmattenlow.com Oren Kaplan is a director and VFX artist who has directed the theatrical feature, The Hammer, a Lifetime movie, and countless branded content videos. His website is directedbyoren.com