Mother’s Day with Our Moms

Babies and Moms: Birth and Beyond » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Our mothers are the ones who rocked us, raised us, taught us right from wrong, and helped us launch into our own odyssey as moms. So isn’t it fitting that we spend the week before Mother’s Day talking to our own moms and giving them credit where credit is due (for the good and the bad). We talk to our moms and find out where our strengths and fears come from and we discuss what our moms wish that we did as mothers (yes, it could get dicey, but that is part of the fun). When you meet our moms, you will quickly understand why we are the way we are (if it wasn’t clear bef0re). So join us for an hour of mother-daughter conversation! And remember to send in your “You Know You are a Mom If” statements to win the Circle of Sentiments Necklace. Check out this totally cute YouTube video created by a friend of ours. He shot kids in our neighborhood for a commercial and this is the long version. It makes you feel good to be a mom! Happy Mother’s Day! Pictures: Nancy with her Mom Karen (top), Shelly with her Mom Gail (next)