Línea Abierta : TWO TAX PROPOSALS.

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Summary: TWO TAX PROPOSALS. There are two propositions on California’s ballot that would raise taxes largely to pay for education. Prop 30 proposes to raise taxes, mostly on the wealthy, to pay off state debt and stop further cuts in education, healthcare, and other social services. Prop 38 raises taxes on almost everyone, and increases funding for childcare and public education from Kindergarten to 12th grade. This edition looks at these propositions and Prop 32, which would bar unions from using money from payroll deductions for political purposes. Guests: Belinda Reyes, Assistant Professor, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, www.sfsu.edu ; Henrik Rehbinder, Editorial Page Editor, La Opinión, Los Angeles, CA, www.laopinion.com