Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

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Summary: MEXICO EDITION. The labor reform proposed by Mexico's President Calderón was suspended and will have to be taken up again by the lower House of Mexico's Congress, after the Senate introduced changes that require union leaders to make public the fees they receive and to be elected by free and secret votes. President Calderón had introduced the bill as a "preferential initiative", and in order to become law immediately, the bill had to have been voted on by both houses without modifications. Also, in this edition, the journalist Arturo Cano from La Jornada shares his experiences about the recent elections in Venezuela. Why did Chávez win? Who supports him? Is the election process trustworthy? What does it mean that the opposition candidate won 44 percent of the votes? Martha Elena Ramírez hosts Voz Pública from Mexico City. Guest: Arturo Cano, reporter, La Jornada Newspaper, Mexico City, Mexico.