Línea Abierta : LAURA REBOLLOSO.

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Summary: LAURA REBOLLOSO. Latin jazz began as a fusion mix by Latin American musicians in the United States. What happens to jazz these days, in the i-pod era, when it glides back over the borders into Latin America? The First Mission Latin Jazz Festival in San Francisco aims to explore the new boundaries of this genre. Laura Rebolloso, one of the founders of legendary Son Jarocho group Son de Madera, arrives from Mexico with her Ensemble Marinero, mixing jazz with the music of Veracruz. She is a dancer, poet, troubadour and master of the leona, the largest instrument of the jarana guitar family. Guest: Laura Rebolloso, Musician and Co-founder, Son de Madera, and Ensemble Marinero, Oakland, CA, http://accionlatina.org/missionlatinjazz/