Línea Abierta : VP DEBATE.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: VP DEBATE. The candidates for Vice President, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan, stood off in recent days. Congresspeople from both parties and a top journalist and commentator analyze the debate and the differences between the two candidates on issues of the highest interest to Latino voters. They also discuss the latest news coming from states where Latino voters may make the most difference. Guests: Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Democrat, Congressman representing Arizona's 7th District, Washington, D.C., www.grijalva.house.gov ; Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican, Congresswoman representing Florida's 18th District, Washington, D.C., www.ros-lehtinen.house.gov ; Rubén Luengas, Journalist and Host, Telemundo 52 and Contragolpe radio, twitter.com/rubengluengas