Episode 49: Relevance of Arohanam and Avarohanam in Defining a Raaga’s Structure

raagarasika show

Summary: We wrap up our introductory series on Arohanam and Avarohanam with a discussion on whether or not raagas are entirely and solely defined by their corresponding ascending and descending scales. Using examples of raagas such as Reetigowlai, Madhyamavati, and Hamsaroopini, Vidya highlights the varying degrees in which textbook definitions of Arohanam and Avarohanam may (or may not) help understand the form of individual raagas.<br> <a href="http://raagarasika.podbean.com/mf/web/262gud/raagarasika49.mp3">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>