Drive by Night Show #11

Drive by Night Show show

Summary: <p>Drive by Night Show is a drive around call in talk show.  Watch the show live on TikTok at  Thursdays from 8pm to 11pm central time.  Week number 11 starts off  with a call from Patrick Warburton.  I then make an observation about  the time change and it feels like I'm doing the drive by magic hour show  or the drive by dusk show.  Things slow down and we're bailed out by  bird lady who is worried because her mother and daughter are both  getting high.  Dalton from Kansas calls in and we talk about ideas for  the show.  We then talk about jobs and spending stimulus money.  I  received a call from Michigan and we talked about Doordash and Britney  Spears.  Someone then called in and pretended to be a porn star but she  was lying about everything.  The nicest kid in the world called from  Missouri and spoke wisdom.  Wendy's guy called back in and we wrapped up  the show with a couple more calls.</p>