How to Overcome Fear of Failure – 7 Steps

The Christian Habits Podcast show

Summary: A few weeks ago, I asked members of <a href="">my Facebook page</a> if they were afraid of failure. I was overwhelmed by the responses. It seems that I’m not the only one out there who fears failure! In today’s episode of the <a href="">Christian Habits Podcast</a>, we’ll talk about seven steps you can take to overcome fear of failure. But first let’s look at some of the things we’re afraid of.<br> <a href=""></a><br> Examples of Fear of Failure<br> Here are just a few of the examples Facebook readers gave of the areas where they were afraid of failure.<br> <br> * Trying weight loss again after so many defeats.<br> * Messing up at work.<br> * Trying to be social and being or feeling rejected.<br> * Starting your own company and having it not work.<br> * Making decisions because you might make the wrong one.<br> * Deciding to resign and stay at home with the kids.<br> * Losing weight and then gaining it back.<br> * Raising kids.<br> <br> There’s no end to the things we could come up with in the fear of failure arena. Let’s take a look at how to overcome fear of failure.<br> <a href=""></a>If you’d rather listen to this as an expanded podcast episode on the Christian Habits Podcast, click on the links below. Keep reading for the blog post version.<br> <br> * To listen or subscribe on Apple Podcasts:<a href=""> </a><a href="">click here</a><br> * To listen or subscribe on Android:<a href=""> click here</a><br> * To listen or subscribe on Stitcher: <a href=";refid=stpr">click here</a><br> * To listen or subscribe on Google Play: <a href="">click here</a><br> * To listen or subscribe on Spotify: <a href="">click here</a><br> <br> How to Overcome Fear of Failure<br> 1. Find out what you’re afraid of and why you’re afraid of it.<br> We can’t fight something until we know what we’re fighting. Thus the first step in overcoming fear of failure is to ask yourself, “What am I most afraid of?” and “Why am I afraid of that?”<br> Naming your fear will help you take the next step which is to evaluate your fear.<br> Here’s an example: I’m afraid whenever I publish a new book. When I ask the question, “What am I most afraid of?” my answer is that I’m afraid someone will write a horrible review on Amazon berating me up and down for how terrible my book is.<br> When I ask the next question, “Why am I afraid of that,” I answer with “then no one else will buy my book” and “all of my friends and family will read the negative review and think I’m a loser.”<br> I’m not the only author with these fears, but there are many who don’t feel this way. I was talking to one very successful artist a few months ago and he told me that every time he finishes a painting he thinks its great and that everyone will love it. By the time I finish a book, I usually think it’s terrible and that everyone will hate it. This is probably the main reason I’m so bad at doing book launches – I’m afraid to put the new book out there.<br> Often our fears are shaped by our childhood. When I was young, I had two different experiences where I did something in a public...