86 - Gladiator, Part 6 FINALE

Table Reads show

Summary: This is it! The stunning finale of Gladiator 2! And by stunning, we mean "wherein literally not a single thing that has been set up in the entire script gets paid off and the story is completely abandoned in the middle of what should be the climax in order to just do something weird and dumb that makes no sense!"<br><br>Yes, this script fulfilled all our greatest wishes for it. <br><br>If you'd like more, visit us at <a href="http://www.tablereadspodcast.com" rel="noopener">www.tablereadspodcast.com</a>.<br><br>You can also find us on Twitter or Instagram under the name @TheTableReads or on Facebook at <a href="http://www.facebook.com/tablereads" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/tablereads</a><br><br>If YouTube is your favorite place for podcasts, head to YouTube.tablereadspodcast.com or find us on whatever your preferred podcast platform is.<br><br>Lastly, please visit our friends over on Screenplay Archaeology for in-depth stories behind some unproduced screenplays: <a href="https://screenplayarchaeology.podbean.com" rel="noopener">https://screenplayarchaeology.podbean.com</a>