Frank La Vigne (@TableTeer) - Microsoft Data Science Certification & Data Driven podcast

Data Podcast show

Summary: Frank La Vigne leads the Data & Analytics practice at Wintellect and co-hosts the DataDriven podcast. He blogs regularly at and you can watch him on his YouTube channel, “Frank’s World TV” (FranksWorld.TV). Interviewer: Rajib Bahar, Shabnam Khan Agenda: RB - You have recently gone through Microsoft's Professional Certification for Data Scientists. Also, you are training others in this area. What are the 4 units of this Data Science certification program, and where does the units of modules also overlap with Microsoft's Big Data certifiation program? SB - Can you tell us a little bit about the Cortana Intelligence Capstone project in Data Science certification? What sort of time committment and technical knowledge required? RB - We often see questionable studies stating something like coffee is unhealthy followed by a counter study contradicting it? Does statistics or overfitting a data model play a role in it? SB - One of the cool thing you do is co-hosting the "Data Driven" podcast with Andy Leonard. He was our guest in the past. In your facebook page for "Data Driven" podcast, your listeners also get to become your viewer and see live videos from Data Science, SQL Server, & other Technology related conferences. What are some insights from recent big conferences. RB - How do we connect with you in Twitter or Blogs or Social Media in general? Music: