Episode-1864- Are We the Last Free Generation – Future Generations and Voluntary Servitude

The Survival Podcast show

Summary: Tweet Let me ask you a question, do you really feel future generations will know anything approaching the freedoms we still have today?  Do you think even the freedom that children had in say 1985 will ever be restored?  Have you ever considered the progression of the loss of freedom in this nation? I am talking going way, way back.  It was said of the Native Americans prior to the founding of our nation that “never have there ever been a people who were so free”.  While a valid point, it isn’t exactly true, as many such people were as free at one time or another in history. The Mazi of Africa, the Aboriginals of Australia and the Tribes of the Amazon to name a few.   Indeed all tribal peoples in hunter gather societies knew incredible freedom.   And we know the history, civilization moves in and destroys their way of life. But this episode is not about how “the white man” ruined the lives of native peoples.  It isn’t skin color that is the enemy here, it is the State as an entity.  As we examine things today we will come to one very unsettling conclusion, that is simply that government, all governments are the enemy of liberty. Join Me Today to Discuss What is liberty, what is freedom What is the history of freedom and its relationship with government How our children have be programmed to accept control No value to privacy Respect authority based on titles vs actions Systematically placed into unserviceable debt Taught that degrees equal education They have been made overly comfortable They have been taught to value “protection” above vigilance They have been taught that prejudice of one amounts to privileged for another This is all by design, the lunatics are running the asylum What you never realized about the movie/book 1984 It won’t be dark and bleak, rather it is shinny and well lit We carry our own screens and while permitted to turn them off we don’t The Party, is simply “The Parties” We are self editing the dictionary The endless war is as much domestic as it is foreign What can we do about this Teach children that freedom is precious and doesn’t come from the state Teach them skills so that they can adapt where others fail Help them define what freedom is for them, don’t dictate it to them Encourage independent learning and systems thinking Teach them that failure is necessary if one is to succeed Instill the spirit of insurrection in them Is there any hope, are we the last “free” generation Resources for today’s show… Join the Members Brigade The Year 1864 Join Our Forum Walking To Freedom TSP Gear AgriTrue.com TspAz.com – Support TSP When You Shop on Amazon GrandaddysGun.Com Sell Out – The Levelers Civil War – Guns and Roses Sponsors of the Day TSP Gear Western Botanicals Sheaffer Select Coins Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air. Also remember we have an expert council that can answer you questions. If you have a question send it to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with TSPC Epert in the subject line. Ask your question in one to two sentences so it is clear then provide any additional details. Make sure to tell me what council member the question is for. You Meet the Expert Council at this Link. Join the MSB Today Want Every Episode of TSP Ever Produced? Remember in addition to discounts to over 40 vendors who supply stuff you are likely buying anyway, tons of free ebooks and video content, MSB Members also get every edition of The Survival Podcast ever produced in convenient zip files in blocks of 24. More info on the MSB can be found here.