|DSP 31| Down to the Essentials: Fashion, Inner Game and Learning Pick-Up - Brad P.

DSR: Become a Better Man by Mastering Dating, Sex and Relationships (formerly Dating Skills Podcast) show

Summary: Your image, fashion and style are 'Easy Wins' - When to work on them and how it will change the responses you get from women. (2:00). The step by step process for improving your fashion sense and style. (6:00). Fashion requires that you open your mind. (6:45). How to choose a fashion role model and how to use them in your first steps. (8:30). Your comfort zone of fashion and how it decides how fast you can develop your fashion/ style skill set. (11:00). How much do you need to spend on clothes and how where you are going out decides "What your budget should be". (13:15). Design your "look" to fit the situation. (14:30). Brad P.'s view on when peacocking can be used and it's importance (or not). (15:45). What is this thing called "Inner game"? What happens when you work on your inner game? (18:00). Breaking "Inner Game" down into specific examples and topics that can be worked on indvidually. (19:30). Social freedom vs social anxiety. (23:00). The "Feedback Mirror" of pick-up - the ultimate teacher and mirror of life and self development. (26:00). How unrealistic expectations about the learning curve of pick-up and mastering women skills hurt your progress (and make it a lot less fun). (27:00). "The greatest self help movement in the history of the world". (30:00). The Brad P. theory on how to learn pick-up and meeting women efficiently and effectively. (32:00). Using "free forums" vs. "paid forums" as a tool to improving your skills and learning. (38:00). Brad P.'s top 3 pieces of advice for improving your dating skills and getting good with women as fast as possible. (45:00).