Línea Abierta : Why Latinos Live Longer Lives. Also, Expanding Medicaid.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: Why Latinos Live Longer Lives. Despite being heavily impacted by diabetes and other chronic diseases, Latinos are known to have a longer life than non-Latino Whites. A new, landmark study involving thousands of Latinos may provide some answers and help understand why Latinos are living longer than others. Guest: Dr. Jane Delgado, President and executive director, National Alliance for Hispanic health, Washington, DC, www.hispanichealth.org Also, Expanding Medicaid. As rural hospitals close in Georgia, pressure grows on Gov. Nathan Deal to expand Medicaid and use federal funding available to help eligible patients. Organizations representing young families, and women and youth of color are urging the governor and the legislature to expand health care access for the poor. Guest: Anne Marie Benítez, Director of Government Relations and Public Affairs, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Washington, DC, www.latinainstitute.org